The George Washington Coaching Program is

100% Guaranteed
to transform YOU into
  •  an extraordinary American
  •  an extraordinary Christian
  •  an extraordinary Human Being

How can we make such an extraordinary claim?

America was once the most extraordinary nation in the world, because America was made up of extraordinary individuals. Individual Americans in 1776 were extraordinary, compared to Americans in 2012.

Thanks to the Internet, the education program that made America the most prosperous and admired nation in history can transform YOU into
  •  an extraordinary American
  •  an extraordinary Christian
  •  an extraordinary Human Being
Our program is simple, but not easy.
1. Cut out 1 hour per day of the mainstream media for 365 days
2. Substitute 40 minutes of the GeorgeWashingtonCoaching program
3. Become a mentor to two other people at home, work, school or church, by helping them fulfill steps 1 and 2 (and eventually 3).
We Guarantee you will be transformed from ordinary to extraordinary, and you'll make a little money in the process.

Short Biography of George Washington

The premise is simple:
Imagine George Washington
travels through time and
visits you for a year.
  • What would "the Father of his Country" think about America?
  • What would he think about you?
  • What would he say to you to help you become
    • an extraordinary American
    • an extraordinary Christian
    • an extraordinary Human Being

You'll learn the answers when you enroll in the GeorgeWashingtonCoaching program.

Click here for an Audio Tour of
the GeorgeWashingtonCoaching program

5 Things to Know
5 Books to Read

We're going to transform you into

     • an Extraordinary American
     • an Extraordinary Christian
     • an Extraordinary Human Being

by helping you read the five most important works in the history of Western Civilization, a little each day, for the next 365 days. You will study the five subjects that every colonial teenager had studied by the time he graduated from high school. The Internet makes it possible to cram an entire colonial childhood education into one year of online home study (minus "the three R's," which we assume you already have).

But before we tell you the five books we're going to read, there are five things you need to know about your deformed education, your dysfunctional worldview, and your heathen religion.  Conveniently, each of these five things has three parts.

Before you consider these Five Things, consider this verse
(it will change your life -- if you'll let it):

“As iron sharpens iron,
so one person sharpens the wits of another

Proverbs 27:17

You will probably not agree with these Five Things,
but you will be sharpened by open-minded consideration of them.

Thing #1:

The Threefold Challenge of Samuel Adams

Sam Adams wanted every American to become
  • an extraordinary American
  • an extraordinary Christian
  • an extraordinary Human Being
1. What is a REAL AMERICAN
  • Vine & Fig Tree - the original "American Dream"
  • Oppose Tyranny
  • "alarmist"
  • Liberty Under God, not Security under Man
  • Risk - Take Action
  • A True American is also a Christian. But are you?
  • Not an Archist
  • Extremist
  • Theocrat/Kingdom of God
  • Follower of the Prince of Peace/Love enemies
  • Forgiven by Imputation
  • How to Become a Christian [pdf]
3. What makes us TRULY HUMAN
  • Glorify God
  • Enjoy Him forever
  • Exercise Dominion
  • Be a "good and faithful servant" "do business"
        • not wasting talents w/which you were "endowed by your Creator"
  • Don't be a hypocrite - radical
  • Don't be lukewarm - extremist
  • Pleasing to God


Thing #2:

Three Subjects Banned From Public Schools

1. Religion

  • vertical: God is God or the State is God
  • atheists banned
2. Morality
  • horizontal: relations with others
  • source of liberty, "rights"
3. Knowledge
  • of how the world works
  • capitalism vs. mercantilism/socialism
  • knowledge vs. "self-esteem"

Go to Thing #2 now


Thing #3:

Three Huge Mistakes America's Founders Made — and why you must avoid them

  1. Rights
  2. Revolution
  3. Restoration of Regulation | Representation | civil government

(We Don't Worship the Founding Fathers)


Go to Thing #3 now


Thing #4:

The Three Most Hated Words in Politics Today — and why you must embrace them

  1. Theocracy
  2. Pacifism
  3. Anarchism

Go to Thing #4 now


Thing #5:

The Three Things You Need to Become Extraordinary

  • A Curriculum
  • A Coach
  • A Community

What you need: [1] Content/Curriculum

  • The Importance of Ideas - inevitability: Islam, Marxism
  • Worldview
  • Daily Devotion
  • LifelongLearner

What you need: [2] Coach

  • Life = Race
  • Mentor/Elder/Pastor

What you need: [3] Community

  • “One Another”ท
  • “Nouthetic Coaching”
          — You are "competent to counsel" (Romans 15:14)

Go to Thing #5 now


Be Extraordinary GW's Advice GW's Devotions GW's Courage GW's Sources
GW's Slaves GW as Coach URaVictim GW's Answer Comparison

A Paradigm Shift

You hear that phrase thrown around a lot these days. Everybody wants their idea to be the next "paradigm shift." Paradigm-shifters are now mainstream. Just as George Washington was "the Father of his Country," the GeorgeWashingtonCoaching program represents a true break with the status quo, a change as momentous as that described by Benjamin Rush, Signer of the Declaration of Independence, upon hearing of Locke's rejection of the doctrine of the Divine Right of Kings: 

Never before had I heard the authority of kings called in question. I had been taught to consider them nearly as essential to political order as the sun is to the order of our solar system.

Vine & Fig Tree really is a new "paradigm," a "Copernican revolution," a radical way of looking at politics and society. It is one step beyond the radical vision that motivated America's Founding Fathers. It is a vision so old that it appears to be utterly unprecedented.

The vision of Vine & Fig Tree gives energy and hope to those who work for it. It inspires dedicated action. 

Lawrence Cremin writes:

American Education: The National Experience, 1783-1876
NY: Harper & Row, 1980, p. 114-15.

For Rush, who was present in the Congress as a representative of Pennsylvania, the events surrounding the creation of the Republic marked nothing less than a turning point in the course of human history. "I was animated constantly," he reflected in later years, "by a belief that I was acting for the benefit of the whole world, and of future ages, by assisting in the formation of new means of political order and general happiness."11
         11. The Autobiography of Benjamin Rush, edited by George W. Corner (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1948), p.161.

I am convinced that Vine & Fig Tree will contribute to the Glory of God and the greater happiness of mankind. It will animate future leaders and captivate the hearts and minds of many. I know it's captivated me, and I get enough enthusiastic e-mail from people who have discovered the Vine & Fig Tree web pages (even though I haven't listed them with any search engines yet) to believe that there is something here that will resonate with a broad section of Americans. 

Dr. Rush speaks of "a turning point," which is to speak of a turning  from something to something else. From what should we turn? To what should we aspire? 

I believe we must move

  • From a world of priests and princes ruling over the immature and irresponsible, a world which is simultaneously "secular" and suffused with a host of pagan faiths
  • To a world of self-governing families in which all believers are priests and kings under Christ, where the knowledge of the LORD covers the earth as the waters cover the sea.

Many people balked at the "turning point" which the Declaration of Independence represented. Many will balk at Vine & Fig Tree -- it is the overthrowing of ideas which many have believed are as essential to social order or the Christian faith "as the sun is to the order of our solar system." You may have already heard some of the leading lights of the Christian Reconstruction movement denounce these ideas as heresy. But Vine & Fig Tree was the aspiration of many of America's Founding Fathers, and made America "the greatest nation on God's green earth" (Michael Medved). Read their hopes here.

Nehemiah 2:19-20
19 But when Sanballat the Horonite, and Tobiah the servant, the Ammonite, and Geshem the Arabian, heard it, they laughed us to scorn, and despised us, and said, What is this thing that ye do? will ye rebel against the king?
20 Then Nehemiah answered them, and said unto them, The God of heaven, He will prosper us; therefore we His servants will arise and build: but ye have no portion, nor right, nor memorial, in Jerusalem.
This proposal is the most controversial "paradigm shift" since the "divine right of kings" was overthrown by "the consent of the governed." But it is a shift that will benefit the world and extend the reign of King Jesus. It will animate great men like Benjamin Rush to attempt great things for God and resist great calumnies from the Sanballats and Tobiahs of our day.

Detractors have called this vision "patriarchy," "anarchy," and "theocracy." In an age of sound-bites and slogans, when packaging is more important than substance, I admit I am hard-pressed to propose a consumer-tested label for Micah's Vine & Fig Tree vision. Perhaps the next generation will have to adopt the most popular label of our opponents, just as Marx coined "capitalism" and Bloody Mary derided Calvin's "Geneva Jigs."

American Theocracy: The Genius of the Founding Fathers

In 1776 America rejected the idea of "the Divine Right of Kings." The rejection of the idea of "the Divine Right of Kings" was Biblically proper. Monarchy was replaced by an experiment in "the consent of the governed." For various reasons, that experiment must now be judged a failure. We must continue along the lines that led to the end of the divine right of kings, reject the thinking that created the Government-run Post Office, and establish the divine right of the King of kings.

My M.A. thesis at Simon Greenleaf: 
"A Calvinist Defense of Anarcho-Capitalism."

My goal is to set forth the basic outlines, blueprints, or "institutes" of this new social order in a well-researched and persuasively-stated manner that will allow people to break out of old patterns of thought, and raise up a new generation of Christian missionaries; missionaries in the fields of politics, economics, sociology, law, science, etc., who will guide these disciplines to Micah's world of Vine & Fig Tree.

A Special Message for "Dittoheads"
Listeners of Rush Limbaugh
Should Click Here for Audio Message

What is a Personal Coach?

GW's Three Mistakes Textbooks Enroll Now
Program Features Program Benefits Program Outcomes Program Details

Are you a pathetic American?

America's Founding Fathers risked their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to resist a government that was taxing only 1-2% of their income. You pay 10-20 times more in taxes than they did (proof), but you do nothing. The tax on the tea that motivated Samuel Adams and John Hancock to dump tea into the Boston harbor was only 3 pence per pound, and you pay ten times as much in taxes on every gallon of gas. But you do nothing.

The current government says that teachers in your neighborhood government-run schools must not teach students that the Declaration of Independence is really true. (Unbelievable, but you know it's true.) You do nothing.

America's Founding Fathers would say you are a pathetic excuse for an American.

Are you a pathetic Christian?

Jesus said some so-called "christians" make Him puke. Are you one of them?

You are a member of an anti-Christian homicidal authoritarian cult. (Strong claim? Let me prove it to you.)

You are the victim of demonic brainwashing.

If you could get a lawyer, you should sue the government school system for educational malpractice.

We sing "God Bless America," but God is not going to bless an America that will not permit teachers in public schools to tell students that God says "Thou shalt not steal."

Your life is bleeding away.

This website is the vehicle that will take you to the hospital.

It's not a Rolls-Royce or a Porsche, but I GUARANTEE that this vehicle will get you there and get you cured.

What more do you need to know? Sign up now

Do you want to be an extraordinary American?

America's Founding Fathers risked their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to resist a government that was taxing only 1-2% of their income. What was the source of their love of liberty? What was the source of their courage? Why did America become the most prosperous and admired nation in history? Why is the U.S. today bankrupt and despised? Can we restore America's greatness? Can you become an extraordinary defender of liberty? Can you be a "City upon a Hill?"

Do you want to be an extraordinary Christian?

His lord said unto him, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant. Thou hast been faithful over a few things; I will make thee ruler over many things. Enter thou into the joy of thy lord." Matthew 25:21

And whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight. 1 John 3:22 | More

Be extraordinary

Be admired

Please God

What more do you need to know? Sign up now

Be Intolerant!

If George Washington could be exposed to the bureaucracies in Washington, D.C., and see the regulations that business owners must follow, and get groped at an airport by Homeland Security, he would be outraged.

He was demand to know, "Why do you tolerate tyranny?!?"

Maybe the answer is: you receive government subsidies as a special interest.

Be Judgmental!

If George Washington could visit the average public school classroom, he would ask, "Why do you tolerate this chaos?" Federal tyrants not only violate the 4th Amendment prohibition of unreasonable searches and seizures, but they ban the teaching of "the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God." Homosexuality, adultery, and abortion are promoted and even subsidized by the unconstitutional regime in Washington D.C.
We must become more "judgmental."


George Washington had morning and evening "devotions." One hour in the morning, and one hour in the evening. But they weren't fluffy, syrupy, or escapist devotionals. He was prayerfully and studiously discerning the blueprints for the creation of a new nation. He prayed and studied in a library, not a chapel. He considered it a vital part of his ordinary work day.

In many ways, these devotionals were a review of the foundations laid by George Washington's childhood education, and then building higher and higher upon those foundations. In the GeorgeWashingtonCoaching program, you will stand on the shoulders of the giants of Western Civilization, and see farther than they did.

Without getting into an argument about child discipline and corporal punishment, the fact is that the one-room colonial school house produced extraordinary Americans, and the modern "public school" produces illiterate drones and zombies who take pride in their sin.

There were three things that George Washington, Samuel Adams, John Hancock, and every other Founding Father believed should be a part of every American child's education -- and you were systematically deprived of all three.

The GeorgeWashingtonCoaching program gives you all three. And using the internet, we accomplish this in just one year, a few minutes (not hours) every day. Yes, at the end of just one year, you can be as extraordinary in your faith, virtue, and knowledge as the average colonial American teenager!

Your coach in the GeorgeWashingtonCoaching program will encourage you, remind you, hold you accountable, and pray for you, but will not rap your knuckles or beat you with a rod. You'll have to do that yourself. 

Who Was
George Washington
Who Are You? Why Should You Care? How Can You Become Extraordinary?
  • Highly educated
  • "If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be."  --  Thomas Jefferson
  • Enroll in GeorgeWashingtonCoaching and read the five most important works in the history of Western Civilization in one year, a few minutes a day.
  • Led a fight for Liberty
  • You prefer security rather than liberty (learn more)
  • Liberty (capitalism) made America the most prosperous nation in history, raising the standard of living for all
  • "Security" (socialism) leads to poverty and mass death.
  • Enroll in GeorgeWashingtonCoaching and read the best book on capitalism ever written.
  • You won't just drag your eyes over the words on a page, but really have an intuitive grasp of why capitalism works and socialism fails.
  • George Washington exemplified virtue and character
  • If you can list all ten of The Ten Commandments, you didn't learn this in a government-run school.
  • Learn the Ten Commandments inside out, as well as the rest of God's Law, and learn how to apply God's commandments to every area of life.
  • personal discipline
  • flabby
  • undisciplined
  • unable to resist the temptations of today's media
  • Tyranny is a temptation. The inability to resist temptation makes one a slave.
  • impeccably fit physically (Thomas Jefferson said nobody could ride a horse better than George Washington)
  • Obesity is a major health problem in America today.
  • This is just a symptom of underlying faith-decay.
  • If you live in a nation where everyone is unfit to resist tyranny, and dependent on the government for the security and full-bellies they crave, then they will turn on you if you rock the boat.
  • Not only do you need to become mentally and physically fit, but you need to help your neighbors as a coach or mentor.
  • Someone has said there are four things everyone needs to work on:
    • Faith
    • Family
    • Finances
    • Fitness
  • The GeorgeWashingtonCoaching program focuses primarily on your faith, with obvious spill-over effects on your family and finances, but less applicable to your fitness.
  • Listen to the  GeorgeWashingtonCoaching audio files while you walk or exercise.
Who Was
George Washington
Who Are You? Why Should You Care? How Can You Become Extraordinary?
  • Studious -- educational attainment in every field:
    • History
    • Political Science
    • Geography
    • Law
    • Military strategy
  • Being educated and well-informed is essential to good citizenship.
And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do; the heads of them were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their commandment.
1 Chronicles 12:32
  • The reconstruction of a Godly society begins with you. Not with "leaders" in Washington. It really does begin with you.
  • By the time you finish the GeorgeWashingtonCoaching program, you will have learned a great deal about all of these subjects (not including "military strategy").
  • Courageous, facing an armed enemy
  • You're afraid to speak out against tyranny for fear of an IRS audit, or getting put on a "no-fly" list.
  • People who are fearful are easy targets for a tyrannical government.
  • They are willing to wear government uniforms, to appear impressive.
  • Again, this is not directly covered in the  GeorgeWashingtonCoaching program.
  • Will anything like this ever be said of you if you don't begin a disciplined, daily journey to become extraordinary?
MOST Americans in 1776 were more physically fit, and knew more about
    Political Science
than Americans do today.
You may well rank higher than most Americans, and be much closer to George Washington and other extraordinary American Founders, but you are still a product of your century, a product of your society. America will continue its slow decline into sin and mediocrity unless you change your own course. America may plunge into economic catastrophe and chaos, and you can provide direction ... ... but only if you enroll in the  GeorgeWashingtonCoaching program.
George Washington, Samuel Adams, John Hancock, were not flukes or superhumans. They were the products of an educational program which we're going to recreate here at GeorgeWashingtonCoaching.
"Ideas have consequences." You are the consequence of ideas. Britain is a socialist nation, the consequence of bad ideas. America became a great nation because of the idea of "Liberty Under God." George Washington and Samuel Adams were Englishmen, but they had different ideas about Liberty and the Faith than their British counterparts. There weren't any remarkable genetic or racial differences between the British and the Americans. But America became great, while Britain stagnated and declined. It was ideas that made the difference. Those ideas will become a part of you if you enroll in the  GeorgeWashingtonCoaching program.

What would George Washington tell you if he were here today?
Would you listen to his advice?
You'll find out what he would say when you sign up for GeorgeWashingtonCoaching
He would tell you
YOU need to become
  •  an extraordinary American
  •  an extraordinary Christian
  •  an extraordinary Human Being
He would tell you how.
Because he knew how.

What more do you need to know? Sign up now

Or listen to this audio introduction.

Imagine George Washington is your personal coach.

Click the first statement that rings true for you:
  • "I don't know what a 'Personal Coach' is."
  • "I know what a 'Personal Coach' is, but I don't think I need one."
  • "OK, maybe I could really benefit from personal coaching, but what's so great about George Washington?"
  • "I think this may be exactly what I've been looking for. How can I get more information?"
Was George Washington perfect? Was he sinless? Did he never make a mistake?
No Washington made some huge blunders. If he were here today, he would see the terrible consequences of his mistakes, and urge us to repudiate them.
For generations, George Washington was the most revered man in America. His portrait could be seen in every public building, in every school, and in many bedrooms of America's boys. He was a hero and an icon.
Today's Americans know very little about the man.
• They know that his face is on the one-dollar bill ...
        (but they don't know that the government has
        destroyed over 90% of the value of the dollar)
• They've been told he "owned slaves."
        (He inherited slaves, and worked to free them.
        Washington would say that the ordinary American in
         2012 is a slave --  most Americans prefer a form of
         pampered slavery rather than freedom and
         personal responsibility. Proof here.)
• That's pretty much all they can tell you about George Washington.
Americans 100 years ago would be flabbergasted that that's about all Americans in 2012 know about George Washington, "the Father of his Country."
But today's Americans, despite their ignorance, would have very dogmatic opinions about George Washington if he were alive today. He would probably be arrested by the Department of Homeland Security.
Today is a good day to resolve this question in your mind:
• Should you admire Washington and try to emulate his virtues?
• Or should you despise him and his values, and pay more attention to today's heroes -- Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton?

 If you suspect that Americans 200 years ago Americans were a better judge of good character and had higher values than Americans today, then you should enroll in GeorgeWashingtonCoaching.

Our program is extraordinarily simple.
                        extraordinarily powerful.

Praises for Washington by his contemporaries

"His integrity was most pure, his justice the most inflexible I have ever known, no motives of interest or consanguinity, of friendship or hatred, being able to bias his decision. He was indeed, in every sense of the words, a wise, a good, and a great man." -- Thomas Jefferson

How would integrity, courage, morality, and wisdom transform your life:
• your marriage
• your business
• your children
• your relationship with God
Do people with integrity, courage, morality, and wisdom succeed better than people who are cheats, wimps, immoral, and foolish?
Of course they do.
In general, that's how the universe works. According to George Washington and America's Founding Fathers, the universe is governed by the "Invisible Hand" of "Divine Providence." (Job was the exception that proves the rule. At least at first.) And you may live (temporarily) under a tyrannical government that punishes extraordinary people and rewards cheats, wimps, immoral, and foolish people instead. But in the long run, you are better off being extraordinary. Your country is better off if you resist tyranny and become extraordinary.

George Washington's Advice

       Every single person who signed the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, if they could visit America in 2012, would take immediate steps to repeal the Constitution and abolish the government it created.
       It takes virtue and a strong sense of morality to understand why.
       Do you understand why George Washington lead a struggle to abolish a government which was far more Christian and far more libertarian than the government we have today, but which he called a "tyranny?"
       George Washington led the American colonists in an effort to abolish a tyrannical government. The government he called a "tyranny" had a tax on a pound of tea that was ten times lower than the tax we pay on a gallon of gas. What he called a "tyranny" was more representative than our modern "Administrative State," and "tyrants" in his day would never have dreamed of using colonial tax revenue to fund abortions, marry homosexuals, or remove all copies of the Ten Commandments from public schools and courthouses.

The program is simple:
We follow George Washington's advice.
We learn from his example.
We avoid his mistakes.
The program is powerful:
It's the same program that made America
the most prosperous and admired nation in history.

We're going to make you as smart as an ordinary colonial American 5th grader, along with extraordinary wisdom and character.

Some people have asked:
  1. Why is George Washington worth imitating or following?
  2. What would George Washington's advice to me be?
  3. What ideas are taught in this program?
  4. Can I be a good American without trying to be an extremist like George Washington?
  5. Can I be a good Christian if I'm not even a good American?
  6. Is this coaching program easy or hard?
  7. How will this program benefit me?
  8. Who is behind this program?
  9. Do I have to wear a powdered wig to participate?
  10. Answers are here.
What would George Washington say about you if he were your personal coach?

If you're like me, he would say you're a lousy Christian and a stinking rotten American.


Why would he say that?

Because he led troops into battle to fight taxes like a three-pence per pound tax on tea, and you do nothing over tax on a gallon of gas that's TEN TIMES HIGHER. The total tax burden in the colonies was less than 2% of colonial income, but today's government takes over half of everything you earn. Like those who signed the Declaration of Independence, George Washington was among those who risked "our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor," but today's government makes it illegal for teachers in public schools to teach students that the Declaration of Independence is really true. (Sure, they can teach that guys in powdered wigs used to believe it to be true, but teachers cannot teach that the Declaration of Independence really is objectively true, endorse the contents, or promote it.)

What is a "Personal Coach?"

If you're an athlete and you want to win a race, you get yourself a coach. Your coach will encourage you, nag you, maybe yell at you, in order to drag out your maximum performance so you can win the race and take home the Gold Medal.

George Washington said if you want to be a great human being, you need to be a great American and -- more important -- a great Christian. The Christian Scriptures teach that life is like a race that we need to train for, run hard, and win.

So if you want to follow George Washington's advice, you need a coach.

Wouldn't it be great to have George Washington as your coach! He coached the Continental Army to victory over the mighty British Empire. He coached the Constitutional Convention to agreement on a new Constitution. And after he served as America's first President, he became known as "the Father of his Country."

Keep reading this page and you learn the two things you need to become an extraordinary American, an Extraordinary Christian, and an extraordinary human being. You need to learn the basic skills of winning life's race, and you need encouragement from a coach. This is where you get both.

You are a victim of Educational Malpractice.

Compared to colonial Americans, you are an ignorant barbarian. Sure, you know how to use your Blackberry. But bring a 9-year-old into the 21st century from 1776, and the kid would be able to figure out how to use your computer and remote control as fast as you did. But Colonial Americans could read the Federalist Papers and debate the issues intelligently. You can't. They had the moral courage to fight against tyranny. You don't.

There were three things that America's Founding Fathers believed schools should teach, and you were deprived of all three -- by law. These three things are prescribed in America's "Organic Law," and even today can still be found in many state constitutions, but you probably don't even know what "organic law" means.

What were the three things that every school in America was supposed to teach?

What are the three things that made America the most prosperous and admired nation in history?

What are the three things that were taken out of government-run schools in the 20th century, and as a result have crippled Americans like you and me, leaving America a bankrupt and despised nation?

GeorgeWashingtonCoaching will tell you, and will transform you into
  •  an extraordinary American
  •  an extraordinary Christian
  •  an extraordinary Human Being

George Washington's Advice

On May 2, 1778, when the Continental Army had emerged from its infamous winter at Valley Forge, Commander-in-Chief George Washington issued the following:

The commander-in-chief directs that divine service be performed every Sunday at eleven o'clock in those brigades [in] which there are chaplains; those which have none [are] to attend the places of worship nearest to them. It is expected that officers of all ranks will by their attendance set an example to their men. While we are zealously performing the duties of good citizens and soldiers, we certainly ought not to be inattentive to the higher duties of religion. To the distinguished character of patriot, it should be our highest glory to add the more distinguished character of Christian. The signal instances of providential goodness which we have experienced, and which have now almost crowned our labors with complete success, demand from us in a peculiar manner the warmest returns of gratitude and piety to the Supreme Author of all good.—

The Writings of George Washington, JC Fitzpatrick, ed., Wash. DC: US Gov't Printing Office, 1932, Vol. XI:342-343, General Orders of 5/2/1778

On May 12, 1779, in a speech to the Delaware Indian Chiefs, Washington coached them:

You do well to wish to learn our arts and ways of life, and above all, the religion of Jesus Christ. These will make you a greater and happier people than you are. Congress will do every thing they can to assist you in this wise intention.

The Writings of George Washington, JC Fitzpatrick, ed., Wash. DC: US Gov't Printing Office, 1932, Vol 15, p.55.

George Washington has been criticized for owning slaves -- even though he inherited them, and even though it was illegal for him to free them (when Virginia tried passing laws against slavery, the King of Britain overruled them). But being a slave in a Christian nation is better than being "free" in an atheistic nation.

In the Soviet Union, workers on the collective farms were allowed a small plot of land to grow what they wanted, and sell for whatever they could get. These small plots of capitalism saved the entire nation from starvation. "Two percent of privately owned Soviet farmland was producing fully 30 percent of the country’s grain."

Today's Secular America is like the atheistic Soviet Union. The government claims ownership of more than 2/3 of everything you earn. The majority of industry is regulated by the State. Yet the small amount of freedom left to us provides us with iPods, big-screen TV, microwaves, and info-tainment. We think we are wealthy. But we are not free.

In America, the percentage of privately-owned property -- truly and securely owned -- is not much different from the percentage in the Soviet Union. George Washington's ideal was for every American to live peacefully under his own "Vine & Fig Tree." This was the original "American Dream." Today's "American Dream" is a fixed-rate mortgage. The bank actually owns your home. This is a form of slavery, as anyone who signed the Constitution would tell you. Even if you pay off your mortgage, the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that the government can take your home and give it to someone else who might use your property differently and pay more taxes to the government than you do.

Consider the challenge of Samuel Adams.

Americans today love "wealth" (if "gangsta-rap cell-phone ring-tones" can be considered "wealth") better than liberty and personal responsibility. Because Americans have been denied the three most important features of colonial schools in America, they are ignorant and illiterate -- like slaves.

GeorgeWashingtonCoaching will transform you into
  •  an extraordinary American
  •  an extraordinary Christian
  •  an extraordinary Human Being

Samuel Adams, speaking at the State House in Philadelphia, “to a very numerous audience” on August 1, 1776:

“If ye love wealth better than liberty,
the tranquillity of servitude more than
the animating contest of freedom

—go from us in peace.
We ask not your counsels or arms.
Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you.
May your chains sit lightly upon you, and
may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen!

If you are an ordinary American, you are a pampered slave. You are wealthy beyond the imagination of anyone alive in 1776. But you would rather keep the remote control of your TV than risk it by fighting for liberty and personal responsibility.

In a nutshell, public schools 200 years ago taught Americans to follow George Washington's advice: to be a good Christian.
The human beings that settled the New World
were the same species of humans that remained in Europe.
But America became extraordinary,
while Europe stagnated under monarchy and socialism.
The difference was ideas.
Ideas have consequences.

These same ideas can have consequences in your life.

In 1776, America had become the pinnacle of Christian Civilization, also called "Western Civilization." Personally, Americans were hard-working and charitable. Politically, Americans perceived that the initiation of force by government was inconsistent with Christianity. America was a land of "Liberty Under God," a "City upon a Hill," a light to the world.

The Internet gives an adult living in 2012 the capability of re-creating a colonial education in just one year. If you can muster the moral courage to give up one hour of the mainstream media and replace it with the GeorgeWashingtonCoaching Program, you can begin acting as your own "City upon a Hill" and influence your culture -- from your neighborhood to our globe.

You Need to Read the Five Most Important Works in the History of America and Western Civilization

There are three main components of the George-Washington-Coaching Program. The first is reading the five most important works in the history of America and Western Civilization. Most Americans in 1776 knew these ideas backwards and forwards, and certainly a lot better than most Americans today. You may be in the top 1% of Americans in terms of knowing these key ideas, and yet be in the bottom 50% of Americans in 1776.
       The first book, of course -- the most significant book in the history of America and Western Civilization -- is the Bible. During the next 365 days, you will read the Bible from cover to cover in a way you never have before. In 1837, the Supreme Court of Delaware said this:
Long before Lord Hale declared that Christianity was a part of the laws of England, the Court of Kings Bench, 34 Eliz. in Ratcliff's case, 3 Coke Rep. 40, b. had gone so far as to declare that "in almost all cases, the common law was grounded on the law of God, which it was said was causa causans," and the court cited the 27th chapter of Numbers, to show that their judgment on a common law principle in regard to the law of inheritance, was founded on God's revelation of that law to Moses.
State v. Chandler, 2 Harr. 553 at 561 (1837)
Day by day, your eyes will be opened as you see how the Bible is the foundation of liberty and civilization as we know it. More program details here.
GeorgeWashingtonCoaching is a rigorous distance-learning program that helps you learn these ideas and develop the skills to put them into effect and promote them in our society. It is a year-long program equivalent to four university-level courses. The homework assignments are free. There is a fee for nagging. You'll need lots of nagging. Sign up for more information on how to get started:

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You Need to Learn and Avoid the Three Biggest Mistakes George Washington and America's Founding Fathers Made

You're going to have your world turned upside down when you hear why Patrick Henry ("Give me liberty or give me death") and George Mason ("Father of the Bill of Rights") both opposed the Constitution.

  • The Constitution was a big mistake
  • The American Revolution was a big mistake
  • The idea of "human rights" was a big mistake.

You Need A Coach

You need someone to push you, so that you can accomplish all that you're capable of accomplishing.

You Need a Community

You will benefit by participating in on-going discussions with other people who are having their world turned upside down by the most important ideas in American history.

  • Great ideas,
  • big mistakes,
  • firm but gentle encouragement.

After one year, you will not be the same person. You will be

  • an extraordinary American
  • an extraordinary Christian
  • an extraordinary Human Being

 Or you get your money back.

Program Features Program Benefits Program Outcomes Program Details
GW's Three Mistakes Textbooks

What is a Personal Coach?

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