Day 84: How Much Does This Program Cost?

What is the cost of Greatness?

It isn't the money that's holding you back.
It's the fear of finding out that you've been wrong for years.
It's the fear of learning that God has bigger responsibilities for you.
It's the fear that you're not going to be able to wait around for Jesus to hand you your completed duties on a silver platter.
Turn these fears into opportunities.
Enroll. Try it for 30 days. By then you'll be convinced that this daily habit is what you should be doing for the next 365 days.
After that, a new life will be waiting for you.

Aristotle and Alexander the Great

This year's version of the coaching program is going to provide you with extraordinary and massive personal transformation.
You'll be encouraged to study God's Word every day. Not just an air-headed or syrupy "devotional," but a challenge to put your old man to death and become new and extraordinary. Wash out the humanist brainwashing you've received, and begin planting the seeds of a Biblical Worldview. You will begin to see a bountiful harvest by the end of the year.

  • You'll gain a systematic understanding of the Christian faith from the source that influenced America's Founding Fathers: The Westminster Standards.
  • You'll study an important textbook on the triumph of capitalism and the violence and poverty of socialism/fascism/communism.
  • You'll study Godly character and take vows to make those character traits a part of your daily life.
  • You'll become a city on a hill for your family and neighbors with a bright light to help make America a City upon a Hill once more.
  • You will be empowered. You will be encouraged.
  • You'll be able to share your insights and learn from others in our online community.
    • The best way to learn a concept is to teach it to others, and let them tell you whether you made it clear or not. Their questions will tell you where your own understanding needs improvement.
  • Above all you'll be challenged to become a Biblical "extremist" and take every idea captive to the lordship of Christ.

You'll re-examine some key issues of our day and probably come to some new conclusions about:

and many others. Not the mainstream.
The next 365 days will be the most transformative year of your life, and you'll be equipped to start the same transformation in the lives of others.
This coming year we're dividing the program into a "Training" segment and a "Coaching" segment. The "Training" segment is the homework assignments. Each day you'll receive an email with the reading assignments. The assignments will divide our textbooks into bite-sized 10-minute segments and so you can complete the readings over the course of the next 365 days. There will also be links to additional sources to supplement your reading.
Training doesn't stop there. Enrollees will receive audio recordings of the reading assignments to listen to in the car or while exercising, or to follow along while reading the text. Studies show the combination of reading and listening enhances comprehension.
Coaching clients will have access to the Coaching Community Forum, where everyone can post questions about the readings and about how they can be implemented in life, and receive answers, comments, and encouragement from staff or other coaching clients.
We will also participate in live webinars, where we can get on the phone and discuss the assignments together, and brainstorm new applications of the ideas we study. We will also have expert guests who will be interviewed and cross-examined by coaching clients. The webinars will be recorded and archived.
Coaching clients also can email unlimited questions to the staff and receive rapid responses.
Community means accountability. You will become like those in Berea, who searched the Scriptures together every day to see if these things were so (Acts 17:11). Daily, not just for a few minutes on Sunday.
Reading the training assignments alone by yourself will put you in the 90th percentile of Americans and Christians, but that's not really saying much, given the state of our culture. It's coaching that helps transform you, and will make it more likely that you'll hear those words, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant" (Matthew 25:21).
Coaching will equip you to shine your light before family, co-workers, neighbors, and in the public spotlight. You will become a mentor, coach, teacher, leader, public servant. Proverbs 4:18 Matthew 5:16
Coaching will change everything.
How much should you pay for coaching?
By using an online group-coaching model, we are able to keep your costs down to bare minimum wage.

Alexander III of Macedon conquered much of the known world, made Greek the language of most of Eurasia, and set the stage for the coming of Christ and the rapid spread of the Gospel in Koine Greek. His coach was Aristotle. Yes, THE Aristotle; regarded by some as the greatest intellect in history.
Alexander became known as Mégas Aléxandros "Alexander the Great."
The Greek word "megas" is also found in Matthew 18:1-5 and Mark 10:42-45. Our greatness does not come by conquest, but by growth in the Word and Spirit. And our greatness comes by being able to resist those who want us to enlist in secular humanist conquests. America needs you -- and the world needs YOU -- to become great -- megas -- in the Biblical sense. Daily study -- *diligent* study -- and personal accountability are the keys to greatness.
If you could pay Aristotle to be your coach -- THE Aristotle -- and you met with him for an hour a day to read through the Bible and four other of the most important works in the history of Western civilization, and discuss how these ideas should be made practical and applied in your own life and in the lives of those around you, and to have Aristotle check your reasoning and thought processes, you would have to be endowed with more than minimum wage to pay for this. Alexander the Great, of course, could afford to hire the best coach in the ancient world.
But Aristotle, despite his advances over other Greek philosophers, made many mistakes, and the empire of Alexander the Great collapsed in slavery and eventually saw Christians put to death in the Roman Coliseum. The influence of Aristotle's errors is considered by some to have held back science considerably. The great British philosopher Bertrand Russell notes that "almost every serious intellectual advance has had to begin with an attack on some Aristotelian doctrine." Russell also refers to Aristotle's ethics as "repulsive", and calls his logic "as definitely antiquated as Ptolemaic astronomy."
The Roman Empire was not civil. The Roman Empire was a depraved conquering empire of slavery, perversion, and darkness. Liberty, Family, and Science are the product of Christian Civilization, which is True Civilization.
We believe our program has more wisdom than Aristotle. Yes, more than THE Aristotle (Psalm 119:99). See our critique of secular Aristotelian logic.
At Starbuck's and McDonald's you pay those who serve you every day their minimum wage.
Maybe it's time to take a thermos full of brand X coffee to work and skip Starbucks, and a brown-bag lunch, so you can save the money you spend on fast-food and invest minimum wage in your own life. It's time you invest in yourself, and demand the utmost from yourself. It's time for you to become

  • an Extraordinary American,
  • an Extraordinary Christian, and
  • an Extraordinary Human Being.

God requires

  • study
  • meditation
  • conversation -- Deuteronomy 6:6-9
         both at home and at work
  • exhortation/nouthetic - daily / Hebrews 3:13
  • application in home, business, government, etc.
         Every area of society and economy