what is your time worth? If you wrap up burgers at McDonald's, your time
is worth less than $9/hour. If the price of the George Washington
Coaching Program is ninety-nine cents, the the total cost of the program
to you is $3,285.99: that's how much you can make at McDonald's instead
of studying the five most important works in the history of Western
Civilization and completely transforming your understanding of the Bible
and gaining a Biblical
Worldview -- plus the 99 cents enrollment fee for George Washington
you're a lawyer, enrolling in this program will mean you lose the
opportunity to bill your clients at $250/hr. This program will cost you
$91,250 in billable hours. Minimum. Plus the 99 cents enrollment fee.
enrollment fee is obviously more than 99 cents. But the program requires
nearly one hour a day for you to participate. What is your time worth?
the material you're going to learn is not just intellectual head
knowledge. Our program is designed to change your actions, habits,
character, and personality. This program motivated America's Founding
Fathers to take risks like
endangering their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to
preserve "the blessings
of liberty for ourselves and our posterity."
As you go through this program, you will become more and more willing to
lose your business, your house, your family, your reputation, your
standing in the community, and your life, and that could be costly.
program could cost you your job. Christ's Apostles said "We
must obey God rather than man." The Declaration of Independence
says we have a duty to oppose "tyranny."
The Supreme Court of the United States has
held that people like this cannot hold government jobs, including
jobs as public school teachers and lawyers. Will you lose your job
because you've aligned yourself with Samuel Adams, George Washington,
and Christ's Apostles? In the long run that could be a step up, but in
the short term that could be costly.
said to count
the costs (Luke 14:28-32).
you may lose all your "rights."
In our day the "Bill of Rights" means
nothing. You may become the object of government surveillance. The
FBI or other government intelligence agencies may open a dossier on you
and members of your family. Your participation and public affiliation
with an "anarchist" website may lead to IRS harassment in the
form of an audit or other legal inconveniences. You may be deemed an
"enemy combatant."
If your job required you to take an oath or sign a statement indicating
your support of the U.S. Constitution, you
may lose your job because you visit "anarchist" websites.
Your house or place of business may be searched and your assets "forfeited."
You may become targeted
for assassination. We cannot be responsible for these eventualities.
You have to make the decision: will you be approved by the government,
or will you be approved
by God? Is your goal to please bureaucrats in Washington D.C., or to
please God?
way to look at this, however, is to ask, "What are the costs of not
enrolling in this program?"
you choose not to enroll in a program that's guaranteed to transform you
- an Extraordinary American
- an Extraordinary Christian
- an Extraordinary Human Being
are the costs of remaining ordinary?
are the costs of remaining the same as you are today?
done, thou good and faithful servant!"
this what you want Jesus to say to you?
much is that worth to you?
is the cost of losing the approval of your Lord?
will Jesus say if you don't enroll in this program?
will Jesus say to you if you continue immersed in the mainstream media
instead of placing a higher priority on studying His Word and its
application in history and in the present?
will Jesus reward your good intentions if you never applied yourself?
will vomit you out of My mouth!"
that what you want Jesus to say?
you made "New Years Resolutions" before and not gone the whole
year keeping them?
you be extraordinary and win the Lord's approval on your own, without a
coach and without a supportive community?
show that this program will be more effective if you're invested
in the program; if you have a little skin in the game; something that
will motivate you to persevere in this study.
you're homeless and using a computer in the public library, or if your
money was taken from you by President Bush and given to Wall Street
Executives, we'll ask our donors to create a scholarship for you. Nobody
will be turned away for lack of money.
says "the laborer is
worthy of his hire."
you had to hire someone to read you the five most important works in the
history of Western Civilization, you would surely pay them minimum wage.
That would be more than $2,000 for the recordings.
isn't the money that's holding you back.
the fear of finding out that you've been wrong for years.
the fear of learning that God has bigger responsibilities for you.
the fear that you're not going to be able to wait around for Jesus to
hand you your completed duties on a silver platter.
these fears into opportunities.
Try it for 30 days. By then you'll be convinced that this daily habit is
what you should be doing for the next 365 days.
that, a new life will be waiting for you.
year's version of the coaching program is going to provide you with
extraordinary and massive personal transformation.
be encouraged to study God's Word every day. Not just an air-headed or
syrupy "devotional," but a challenge to put
your old man to death and become new and extraordinary. Wash out the
humanist brainwashing you've received, and begin planting the seeds of a
Biblical Worldview. You
will begin to see a bountiful harvest by the end of the year.
- You'll gain a systematic understanding of the Christian faith from
the source that influenced America's Founding Fathers: The
Westminster Standards.
- You'll study an important textbook on the triumph of capitalism
and the violence and poverty of socialism/fascism/communism.
- You'll study Godly character
and take vows to make those character traits a part of your daily
- You'll become a city on a hill for your family and neighbors with
a bright light to help make America a City
upon a Hill once more.
- You will be empowered. You will be encouraged.
- You'll be able to share your insights and learn from others in our
online community.
- The best way to learn a concept is to teach it to others, and
let them tell you whether you made it clear or not.
- Above all you'll be challenged to become a Biblical "extremist"
and take every idea captive to the lordship of Christ.
re-examine some key issues of our day and probably come to some new
conclusions about:
and many others. Not the mainstream.
will be the most transformative year of your life, and you'll be
equipped to start the same transformation in the lives of others.
2013 we're dividing the program into a "Training" segment and
a "Coaching" segment. The "Training" segment is the
homework assignments. Each day you'll receive an email with the reading
assignments. The assignments will divide our textbooks into bite-sized
10-minute segments and so you can complete the readings over the course
of the next 365 days. There will also be links to additional sources to
supplement your reading.
doesn't stop there. Enrollees will receive audio recordings of the
reading assignments to listen to in the car or while exercising, or to
follow along while reading the text. Studies show the combination of
reading and listening enhances comprehension.
clients will have access to the Coaching Community Forum, where everyone
can post questions about the readings and about how they can be
implemented in life, and receive answers, comments, and encouragement
from staff or other coaching clients.
will also participate in live webinars, where we can get on the phone
and discuss the assignments together, and brainstorm new applications of
the ideas we study. We will also have expert guests who will be
interviewed and cross-examined by coaching clients. The webinars will be
recorded and archived.
clients also can email unlimited questions to the staff and receive
rapid responses.
means accountability. You will become like those
in Berea, who searched the Scriptures together every day to see if
these things were so (Acts 17:11). Daily, not
just for a few minutes on Sunday.
the training assignments alone by yourself will put you in the 90th
percentile of Americans and Christians, but that's not really saying
much, given the state of our culture. It's coaching that helps transform
you, and will make it more likely that you'll hear those words,
"Well done, thou good and faithful servant" (Matthew 25:21).
will equip you to shine your light before family, co-workers, neighbors,
and in the public spotlight. You will become a mentor, coach, teacher,
leader, public servant. Proverbs 4:18 Matthew 5:16
will change everything.
much should you pay for coaching?
using an online group-coaching model, we are able to keep your costs
down to bare minimum wage.
III of Macedon conquered much of the known world, made Greek the
language of most of Eurasia, and set the stage for the coming of Christ
and the rapid spread of the Gospel in Koine Greek. His coach
was Aristotle. Yes, THE Aristotle; regarded by some as the greatest
intellect in history.
became known as Mégas Aléxandros "Alexander the
Greek word "megas" is also found in Matthew 18:1-5 and
Mark 10:42-45. Our greatness does not come by conquest,
but by growth in the
Word and Spirit. And our greatness comes by being able to resist those
who want us to enlist in secular humanist conquests. America needs you
-- and the world needs YOU -- to become great -- megas -- in the Biblical
sense. Daily study -- *diligent*
study -- and personal accountability are the keys to greatness.
you could pay Aristotle to be your coach -- THE Aristotle -- and you met
with him for an hour a day to read through the Bible and four other of
the most important works in the history of Western civilization, and
discuss how these ideas should be made practical and applied in your own
life and in the lives of those around you, and to have Aristotle check
your reasoning and thought processes, you would have to be endowed with
more than minimum wage to pay for this. Alexander the Great, of course,
could afford to hire the best coach in the ancient world.
Aristotle, despite his advances over other Greek philosophers,made many
mistakes, and the empire of Alexander the Great collapsed in slavery and
eventually saw Christians put to death in the Roman Coliseum. The
influence of Aristotle's errors is considered by some to have held back
science considerably. The great British philosopher Bertrand Russell
notes that "almost every serious intellectual advance has had to
begin with an attack on some Aristotelian doctrine." Russell also
refers to Aristotle's ethics as "repulsive", and calls his
logic "as
definitely antiquated as Ptolemaic astronomy."
Roman Empire was not civil. The Roman Empire was a depraved
conquering empire of slavery, perversion, and darkness.
Liberty, Family, and Science are the product of Christian
Civilization, which is True Civilization.
believe our program has more wisdom than Aristotle. Yes, more than THE
Aristotle (Psalm 119:99). See our critique of secular Aristotelian
Starbuck's and McDonald's you pay those who serve you every day their
minimum wage.
it's time to take a thermos full of brand X coffee to work and skip
Starbucks, and a brown-bag lunch, so you can save the money you spend on
fast-food and invest minimum wage in your own life. It's time you invest
in yourself, and demand the utmost from yourself. It's time for you to
- an Extraordinary American,
- an Extraordinary Christian, and
- an Extraordinary Human Being.
God requires daily
- study
- meditation
- conversation -- Deuteronomy 6:6-9
at home and at work
- exhortation/nouthetic - daily /
Hebrews 3:13
- application in home, business, government, etc.
Every area of society and economy
This is what our coaching program provides.
A Christian University at Home, In Your Car
you took a course in your average college that offered nearly 7 hours of
classroom education per week, generous office hours with the Professor,
and student brainstorming, at $500/unit the course would cost
$3500/semester, or over $10,000 for a full year (including summer
you paid Aristotle minimum wage to explore the foundations of Western
Civilization with you, and operate a forum where you could discuss these
principles with others who were studying them and applying them in
practical ways in your own life (and not a
free, no-cost/no commitment forum full of idiots and drive-by nuts),
you would pay more than $5,000 for the year-long course.
all services provided at min wage |
= |
$7.25/hr |
Hiring an intelligent reader with a listenable
voice record a 1-hour audio reading of daily worldview
assignments |
= |
$7.25 x 365 = |
$2,646.25 |
weekly, bi-weekly, or tri-weekly webinars, min.
1 hour |
= |
2 x 52 = 104 x $7.25 = $754.00 |
+ $2,646.25
= $3400.25 |
unlimited "office hours" (email
support) @1 hr./wk (ridiculously underestimated) |
$2,646.25 |
+ $3400.25 = $6046.50 |
20-minute laser coaching by phone per week |
$2.41 x 52 = $125.54 |
+ $6046.50 = $6172.041 |
- and over 3,000 webpages ofresources and commentary @ 2 per
104 x $7.25 |
$754.00 = $6926.041 |
plus a supportive community in a moderated
forum |
= |
2.83 hrs/week x $7.25 = $1065.96 |
total value = $7992.00 |
you invest in your own growth, you value it and take it seriously. You
are more committed to a costly program than you are to one that's free.
features are the benefits:
You need to read God's Word daily |
We've got that |
You need to read God's Word every single day |
We've got that |
You need to apply God's Word in every area of life |
We've got that |
You need accountability/nagging |
We've got that |
You need to make friends with kindred spirits |
We've got that |
You need to reward the laborer for your tutoring |
We've got that |
You need to pay for the school where this all takes place |
We've got that |
"Wait a minute! This is almost as expensive as an 8-unit course
in college!"
That's correct. And you might feel like the college course offers
more to advance your employment in "the real world." But
consider the comparison below: