You cannot participate in this program unless you are wearing a powdered wig like Washington. We sell powdered wigs at a discount. Sizes for kids and adults. Wearing a wig is guaranteed to make you as smart and as courageous as George Washington.

Just kidding. Do not enroll in George Washington Coaching if you can't handle a little tomfoolery.
The George Washington Coaching Program is
100% guaranteed
to transform YOU into
  •  an extraordinary American
  •  an extraordinary Christian
  •  an extraordinary Human Being
Our program is extraordinarily simple.
                        extraordinarily powerful.
The program is simple:
We follow George Washington's advice.
We learn from his example.
And we avoid his mistakes.
Yes, mistakes.
Huge mistakes.
The program is powerful:
It's the same program that made America
the most prosperous and admired nation in history.

Only by avoiding their mistakes, we can become even more successful.

This webpage will answer these questions:

  1. Didn't George Washington own slaves? Shouldn't he be learning from me?
  2. Why is George Washington worth imitating or following?
  3. What would George Washington's advice to me be?
  4. Can I be a good American without trying to be an extremist like George Washington?
  5. Can I be a good Christian if I'm not even a good American?
  6. Is this coaching program easy or hard?
  7. How will this program benefit me?
  8. Who is behind this program?
  9. Do I have to wear a powdered wig to participate? (Absolutely! See offer at left.)
  10. What ideas are taught in this program?

Why Should I Imitate George Washington?
Why Should I Listen to what He Might Say?

George Washington exemplified:
              • virtue and character
              • personal discipline
              • impeccably fit physically
                       (Thomas Jefferson said
                       nobody could ride a horse
                       better than Washington)
              • courage, facing an armed enemy
              • studious -- educational attainment in every field:
                          Political Science
                          Military strategy
and, by all accounts, he was the best ballroom dancer in Virginia.
Most Americans have never spent a whole day reading in awe about the extraordinary achievements of George Washington.
They don't know how justifiably he was called
"The Father of His Country."
And it was an extraordinary country indeed.
But that's also because MOST Americans in 1776
were more physically fit,
and knew more about
                          Political Science
than Americans do today.
George Washington, Samuel Adams, John Hancock,
were not flukes or superhumans. They were
the products of an educational program
which we're going to recreate
here at GeorgeWashingtonCoaching .
What would George Washington tell you
if he were here today?
Would you listen to his advice?
You'll find out what he would say when you sign up for
He would tell you
YOU need to become
  •  an extraordinary American
  •  an extraordinary Christian
  •  an extraordinary Human Being
He would tell you how.
Because he knew how.

We get letters . . .

Subject: Washington Ain't That Great
From:    "" 
Date:    Fri, February 20, 2009 5:41 pm
I don't know that I consider George Washington a 
man of character....
He had his place in history ......
but he also had his place in the bed of 
his slaves.....sorry

This letter reflects a tragic situation. Surveys show that if public school kids know anything about George Washington, it's that (1) he's on the one-dollar bill, and (2) he owned slaves. Not much else. The speech linked above is a powerful indictment of modern America's ignorance of her Founding Fathers.

My response: 

Subject: Re: Washington Ain't That Great
From:    "George Washington Coaching" 
Date:    Fri, February 20, 2009 6:27 pm

I appreciate your taking time to comment.
I'd like to encourage you to take a second look.
Washington and Jefferson worked hard to abolish
slavery before it became fashionable to do so.
I'd like to think you would have worked as hard
as they did, had you lived in the middle of
the 18th century. Check out this article:

Americans today are pampered slaves. We have more
than half of everything we work to produce taken
from us in taxes. Nearly every decision we make
is regulated in some way by the government.
The mainstream media and academia criticize
Washington for the slaves he inherited, while
overlooking the emerging police state.

Here are the details of the George Washington
Coaching program:

I'm sure you'll find the program intellectually

Thanks again for writing.

Kevin Craig
Vine & Fig Tree Coaching Services

George Washington was against slavery and passionately for liberty. We disdain liberty and accept slavery. So naturally we have to insult Washington.

The Importance of Ideas

The human beings that settled the New World
were the same species of humans that remained in Europe.
But America became extraordinary,
while Europe stagnated under monarchy and socialism.
The difference was ideas.
Ideas have consequences.

These same ideas can have consequences in your life.

GeorgeWashingtonCoaching is a distance-learning program that helps you learn these ideas and develop the skills to put them into effect and promote them in our society.

What is a "personal coach?"

If you're an athlete and you want to win a race, you get yourself a coach. Your coach will encourage you, nag you, maybe yell at you, in order to drag out your maximum performance so you win the race.

George Washington said if you want to be a great human being, you need to be a great American and -- more important -- a great Christian. The Christian Scriptures teach that life is like a race that we need to train for, run hard, and win.

So if you want to follow George Washington's advice, you need a coach.

Wouldn't it be great to have George Washington as your coach! He coached the Continental Army to victory over the mighty British Empire. He coached the Constitutional Convention to agreement on a new Constitution. And after he served as America's first President, he became known as "the Father of his Country."

He was far more popular than Barack Obama. The election of 2008 was hotly contested. Washington was the only person unanimously elected President, even though he didn't campaign at all. A leading Congressman of the day eulogized him as "First in war, first in peace and first in the hearts of his countrymen."

When you read about
the GeorgeWashingtonCoaching program
you'll admit in your heart that this
is exactly what George Washington
would tell you to do if he were here.
I'll tell you about the program details in a minute
I absolutely guarantee it will make you extraordinary.
It transformed three million Americans into
the most extraordinary nation in history.
All you need is a coach.
Someone to      encourage you
                        hold you accountable
                        help you create a better version of you
                        help you become the human being God
                                    created you to become
If George Washington were to
travel through time from his day to ours,
he would be a great model for us to imitate,
and a wise coach whose advice we should follow.
He would also be the first to see that he made
huge mistakes, and he would be coaching
America to change direction.

We Need More George Washingtons

George Washington was a man of extraordinary character, courage, physical fitness, and education. He became known as "the Father of his Country."

Even if there were another extraordinary leader like Washington on the horizon (do you know of one? I don't.), we cannot sit back and let him try to straighten out America. The population of America is 100 times greater than it was in 1776, and the population is illiterate and barbaric compared to Americans back then.

In 2012, we need at least 100 George Washingtons. And each of them need to mentor a few more.

GeorgeWashingtonCoaching invites you to become one of them.

"Extremists" and "Radicals" vs. "Moderates"

We've been trained to avoid those that are called "extremists." We've been trained to disregard the ideas of those called "radicals." Many years of conditioning have led us to believe it's better to be "moderate" and "respectable."

This is actually the opposite of the truth. Click these links to find out why you should be a radical and an extremist.

True Americans and True Christians are Radicals

Declaring that the American people -- rather than the king of England -- had a right to govern themselves was a radical and revolutionary declaration in 1776.

Early Christians in the Roman city of Thessalonica were dragged before the authorities and it was said,

“These who have turned the world upside down have come here too. Jason has harbored them, and these are all acting contrary to the decrees of Caesar, saying there is another king—Jesus.”

In truth, they were turning the world upside-right, putting an end to the slavery, debauchery and imperialism of ancient Rome.

We, too, live in an upside-down world desperate for restoration. GeorgeWashingtonCoaching exists to equip serious Christians to become "change agents" to strengthen weaker Christians, challenge the dominant empire, and turn the culture upside-right for generations to come.

This intense distance-learning venture prepares Christians to live out their faith authentically and powerfully in the world and unites them in a continuing network as agents of transformation from the inside out. As believers apply biblical truth to every aspect of their lives—becoming more like Christ in how they think and act—they will shine the light of biblical truth into the community around them.

You are invited to join those who are helping to turn values and practices right side up in law, economics, politics, healthcare, the media, education, family issues, and every area of life and culture!

What is a True American?

A true American loves liberty.

A true American believes in the principles of the Declaration of Independence.

How could it be otherwise?

What would George Washington say about you if he were your personal coach?

If you're like me, he would say you're a lousy Christian and a stinking rotten American.


Why would he say that?

Because he led troops into battle to fight taxes like a three-pence per pound tax on tea, and you do nothing over tax on a gallon of gas that's TEN TIMES HIGHER. The total tax burden in the colonies was less than 2% of colonial income, but today's government takes over half of everything you earn. Like those who signed the Declaration of Independence, George Washington was among those who risked "our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor," but today's government makes it illegal for teachers in public schools to teach students that the Declaration of Independence is really true. (Sure, they can teach that guys in powdered wigs used to believe it to be true, but teachers cannot teach that it really is objectively true, endorse the contents, or promote it.)

A true American despises tyranny and loves liberty.

George Washington's Advice

On May 2, 1778, when the Continental Army had emerged from its infamous winter at Valley Forge, Commander-in-Chief George Washington issued the following:

The commander-in-chief directs that divine service be performed every Sunday at eleven o'clock in those brigades [in] which there are chaplains; those which have none [are] to attend the places of worship nearest to them. It is expected that officers of all ranks will by their attendance set an example to their men. While we are zealously performing the duties of good citizens and soldiers, we certainly ought not to be inattentive to the higher duties of religion. To the distinguished character of patriot, it should be our highest glory to add the more distinguished character of Christian. The signal instances of providential goodness which we have experienced, and which have now almost crowned our labors with complete success, demand from us in a peculiar manner the warmest returns of gratitude and piety to the Supreme Author of all good.—

The Writings of George Washington, JC Fitzpatrick, ed., Wash. DC: US Gov't Printing Office, 1932, Vol. XI:342-343, General Orders of 5/2/1778

On May 12, 1779, in a speech to the Delaware Indian Chiefs, Washington coached them:

You do well to wish to learn our arts and ways of life, and above all, the religion of Jesus Christ. These will make you a greater and happier people than you are. Congress will do every thing they can to assist you in this wise intention.

The Writings of George Washington, JC Fitzpatrick, ed., Wash. DC: US Gov't Printing Office, 1932, Vol 15, p.55.

But Washington said a true American loves a certain kind of liberty.

Liberty Under God.

Can you be a true American if you believe in communism? No.

Can you be a true American if you want the liberty to be your own god?

George Washington would say No.

Wouldn't that exclude atheists from being "true Americans?"

Yes it would. John Witherspoon, who signed both the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, and as President of Princeton guided one President (James Madison, the "Father of the Constitution"), one Vice President, three Supreme Court Justices, 10 Cabinet members, 12 Governors, 60 Congressmen (21 Senators; 39 Representatives) plus scores of state officials and members of the Constitutional Convention, said,
 . . . he is the best friend to American liberty, who is most sincere and active in promoting true and undefiled religion, and who sets himself with the greatest firmness to bear down profanity and immorality of every kind. Whoever is an avowed enemy of God, I scruple not [would not hesitate] to call him an enemy to his country."[44]
A person can be a communist and still raise money for a national monument, but he can't be a good American, because communism is contrary to Americanism. An atheist can love America, and even die in battle, but atheism is contrary to the genius of America. In 1783, at the end of the War for Independence, General George Washington told an assembly of state governors:
I now make it my earnest prayer, that God would have you, and the State over which you preside, in his holy protection . . . that he would most graciously be pleased to dispose us all to do justice, to love mercy, and to demean ourselves with that charity, humility, and pacific temper of mind, which were the characteristics of the Divine Author of our blessed religion, and without an humble imitation of whose example in these things, we can never hope to be a happy nation."[38]
America can't be a happy (blessed) nation unless she is a Christian nation, imitating Christ. Atheists can make valuable contributions to society, but atheism does not advance Americanism and Liberty Under God.

So should the government arrest atheists, execute them, and confiscate their property? Does that sound like a "humble imitation" of "that charity, humility, and pacific temper of mind, which were the characteristics of the Divine Author of our blessed religion?"

When you enroll in GeorgeWashingtonCoaching you will begin reading the five most important works in the history of America and Western Civilization. Find out what they were here.

You'll also learn the three biggest mistakes George Washington and the Founding Fathers made. Skip ahead and read about them now.

Extraordinary radicals.

Extraordinary extremists.

That's what it means to be
  •  an extraordinary American
  •  an extraordinary Christian
  •  an extraordinary Human Being
if you are not an extraordinary American
America was an extraordinary nation.
The most prosperous and admired nation in history.
America was an extraordinary nation
because her people were extraordinary people.
They worked hard and practiced what they preached.
Today America is bankrupt and despised.
And most Americans don't want to work
at being extraordinary. They're content
being ordinary, or they're content to
think of themselves as extraordinary,
without any basis in fact for their belief
and demand that others
avoid being insensitive about their "self-esteem."
Most Americans today would disgust
America's Founding Fathers.

Don't give in to the temptation to say you don't have to be extraordinary. Don't think for a minute that you can remain ordinary, moderate, neutral, or lukewarm. Jesus said to people just like us,

“I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth.”
Revelation 3:15-16

2012 is not looking like a pretty year. A lot of church-goers are going to be vomited out.

You will enjoy your life more if you are not lukewarm
and you will please the Lord if you push yourself and work to become an Extraordinary Christian.

Other distractions:
"believes in conspiracy theories"
if you are an ordinary Christian.
Jesus said I wish you were either
HOT or COLD, but you're LUKEWARM,
you're ordinary, you're neutral.
And I'm going to vomit you out of my mouth.
So much for your vaunted "self-image."
If you're not doing your push-ups and sweating
on the narrow Road to Extraordinary,
if your brain is flabby and your morals have atrophied,
you're on the wrong road.
You're going to be very surprised
when you reach the wrong destination.
The GeorgeWashingtonCoaching program
will empower you to become disciplined
and extraordinary.

The GeorgeWashingtonCoaching Program gives participants:

  • a confident understanding of Biblical Christianity.

  • conversational tools for engaging friends, co-workers, and complete strangers about Christian Reconstruction in a winsome and loving way.

  • a community of like-minded believers for learning, loving and living out faith together.
  • a road map for living out an authentic faith in a relativistic, postmodern world.
  • opportunities to influence and transform the State, the Church, communities, and culture.

The goal of our program is not to dump a bunch of content into someone’s brain so they can then spew it back out to others and sound really smart. Our aim is to see people lovingly transformed from the inside out, to so inculcate them in biblical truth, and in how and why those truths matter in our personal lives and in our public institutions, that it seeps into their mind, heart, and soul and transforms the way they think, feel, and behave.

The GeorgeWashingtonCoaching program is
simple and obvious.
It's what the Founding Fathers did.
It's what they would tell you to do today.
They would say you are a victim of
educational malpractice.
You were not taught the most fundamental
and basic elements of a good education.
During the next 365 days,
you are going to read
the five most important works
in the history of America
and Western Civilization.

Subscribe Free
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Is this Program Hard or Easy?

This program can be passive and easy (but still beneficial)
or it can be immensely challenging and revolutionary --
not in a threatening way, but in a way you find
profoundly satisfying.
Let's survey the five works you'll be reading
in the next 365 days when you
enroll in GeorgeWashingtonCoaching.

What does the Bible say about the issues that face America (A-Z):

back to top

The first
most important work
in the history of America and Western Civilization,
obviously, is the Bible.
George Washington read the Bible an hour a day.
America's Founding Fathers knew it well.
It takes 11 minutes a day to read the Bible
from cover to cover in one year..
Maybe you've already read the Bible --
but you read it as a religious book.
A "devotional" book.
A book to "inspire" you.
A book to help your "self-esteem."
We're going to read the Bible as
marching orders from General Headquarters.
We're going to read the Bible as a
textbook in political science and economics.
For example,
We're going to pay close attention to
what the Bible says about
inflation and fractional reserve banking,
which led the Framers of the Constitution to say
"No state shall make anything but gold
or silver a tender in payment in of debts."
Americans in 1776 knew what the Bible
said about economics, law, political science,
and more.
Americans today do not.

Christianity is not just religious devotionals.

Christianity is a worldview that affects every area of life.

At left you can see a list of contemporary issues which the Bible addresses directly and clearly. During the next 365 days, you'll see these issues in the Bible like America's Founding Fathers did, and like you've never seen them before.
In addition, you're going to see the story of the Bible like you've never seen it before. Many Christians today believe the story of the Bible goes something like this:
  • God created planet earth;
  • God put man on earth to be a good steward;
  • Satan tempted man;
  • Man rebelled against God, choosing to be his own god instead,
  • Satan now controls the world.
  • Since Satan and man are not playing God's game by God's rules, God is soon going to take his cosmic football and go home.

In other words, Satan wins.

Pretty dismal story, isn't it?

Sure, God sent His Son, who died on the cross, so that some of the players can be forgiven for their rebellion and go home with God, but God's original purposes for man and the creation were thwarted by Satan, the ultimate victor.

Some of George Washington's favorite passages of the Bible were those that spoke of every man dwelling safely "under his own vine and fig tree."

George Washington's Diaries are available online at the Library of Congress. They are introduced with these words:

No theme appears more frequently in the writings of Washington than his love for his land. The diaries are a monument to that concern. In his letters he referred often, as an expression of this devotion and its resulting contentment, to an Old Testament passage. After the Revolution, when he had returned to Mount Vernon, he wrote the Marquis de Lafayette on Feb. 1, 1784: "At length my Dear Marquis I am become a private citizen on the banks of the Potomac, & under the shadow of my own Vine & my own Fig-tree." This phrase occurs at least 11 times in Washington's letters. "And Judah and Israel dwelt safely, every man under his vine and under his fig tree" (2 Kings 18:31).

It is also a phrase from the prophet Micah, the idea of everyone owning property and enjoying the fruits of their labor without fear of theft or political oppression, of sitting peacefully under your "Vine & Fig Tree."

Hundreds of years before Christ, the prophet Daniel spoke of the first Christmas, the birth of the Messiah in the days of the Roman Empire. That barbaric, debauched empire was destroyed, and the Kingdom of Christ began growing like a mustard tree, like leaven, like a field (Matthew 13). The Emperor Justinian began Christianizing the Eastern Roman Empire, and in the West kings like Alfred and Ethelbert made the 10 Commandments the basis of new legal systems. The "Common Law" began, with a Christian foundation, and eventually found its way into the Constitution of the United States, "a Christian nation." Though there have been ups and downs, the progress of Christianity has been undeniable -- at least to those who have been taught the facts of history.

Most Americans in the 21st century have not.

If you enroll in the GeorgeWashingtonCoaching Program, you will learn the story of the "Vine & Fig Tree." You will learn that the Bible says the purpose of the first Christmas was that "the knowledge of the Lord should cover the earth as the waters cover the sea." (Isaiah 11:9; Habakkuk 2:14). This has been going on for 2,000 years now. This is a wonderful story that isn't being told.

Some people sincerely believe that the Bible says that everything is going to get worse and worse until God finally destroys everything and then starts over. (Why He would want to go through failure again is not disclosed.)

You will read a different story in the Bible when you enroll in the GeorgeWashingtonCoaching Program, and have a coach pointing out things in the Bible that you may have missed.

Perhaps you're reluctant to pay your tuition for a class that teaches something very different from what you've always heard. So we'll give you the entire year-long curriculum. We want to make it clear that simply reading the class outline in a week, or even a month, will not give you the same result as you will have if you enroll in the GeorgeWashingtonCoaching Program and study a little bit each day, think about it, study more the next day, pray about it, and take an entire year to complete your reading of the “Vine & Fig Tree” story. It just won't be the same.

But you wouldn't be a good shopper if you bought a product without knowing what it delivered. So if you're doubtful about our agenda, here are two ways to survey the story of the Bible that you'll learn in the year-long GeorgeWashingtonCoaching Program.

The first way is a 12-day study entitled "The 12 Days of Liberty." It's modeled after the "12 Days of Christmas, which take place from December 25 to January 6. You've never heard the Christmas message like this:

This study is obviously not a review of the entire Bible, though many other parts of the Bible are reviewed besides the Christmas narratives in the Gospels.

Here is a review of the entire Bible. Again, it is no substitute for the Berean model of searching the Scriptures daily. And reading them all in an afternoon is not the same as reading one a day and thinking about it prayerfully over a period of time. But just so you can see an example of the worldview of the GeorgeWashingtonCoaching Program, here are 95 Bible Studies, patterned loosely after Martin Luther's "95 Theses," somewhat-humorously called “The 95 Days of Christmas”:

Welcome to “The 95 Days of Christmas” | View
The Importance of Luther's 95 Theses | View
The Origin of These 95 Theses | View
Introduction: Taking the Bible Seriously | View
Thesis 1: Christ the Word | View
Thesis 2: Christ the Creator | View
Thesis 3: Creation, not Evolution | View
Thesis 4: Omniscience, Predestination, and Provide... | View
Thesis 5: “Self-Evident Truths” | View
A. “Vine & Fig TreeBEFORE THE FALL | View
Thesis 6: The Biological Basis of Patriarchy | View
Thesis 7: The Dominion Mandate | View
Thesis 8: Patriarchy and “the Extended Family” | View
Thesis 9: “Vine & Fig Tree” and the Sanctions of the Covenant | View
Thesis 10: The Priority of Agrarianism | View
Thesis 11: “Vine & Fig Tree” and the Mountain | View
B. “Vine & Fig TreeBEFORE THE FLOOD | View
Thesis 12: The Fall Of The Angels | View
Thesis 13: The Fall of Man | View
Thesis 14: The Purpose of Cain’s “Suspended Sentence” | View
Thesis 15: Cain’s City: The Autonomy of the State | View
Thesis 16: The Demonic Roots of Violent Tyranny | View
C. “Vine & Fig TreeBEFORE SINAI | View
Thesis 17: The Post-Flood Absence of The Institutional Church | View
Thesis 18: The Patriarchal Power Of “Capital Punishment” | View
Thesis 19: Nimrod: The First Politician (Post-Flood) | View
Thesis 20: “Vine & Fig Tree” vs. Political Slavery | View
Thesis 21: Demonic Activity At   Babel | View
Thesis 22: The Division of The Nations | View
Thesis 23: Evangelism In The Old Covenant | View
Thesis 24: “Vine & Fig Tree,” “National Defense,” And Military Socialism | View
Thesis 25: “Vine & Fig Tree” and “Sacraments”: Circumcision | View
Thesis 27: “Vine & Fig Tree”, Precious Metals, and Money | View
Thesis 26: The Myth of The “Separation Of Church And State” | View
Thesis 28: Salvation is Political | View
D. “Vine & Fig TreeUNDER MOSES | View
Thesis 29: “Vine & Fig Tree” and Resistance to Tyranny in the Early Days of the Old Testament | View
Thesis 30: As With All Angelic Activity, No State Action Is Coincidental or Random | View
Thesis 31: Ceremony, Ritual, Liturgy, And The “Pedagogical Law” | View
Thesis 32: “Vine & Fig Tree” and “Sacraments”: Passover | View
Thesis 33: Patriarchs And “Elders” | View
Thesis 34: The Need for a Pedagogical Legal Structure | View
Thesis 35: Angels And The Pedagogical Legal Structure | View
Thesis 36: The Promised Land | View
Thesis 37: The Temporary Character of The First “Church Officers” | View
Thesis 38: “Vine & Fig Tree” and the Temple  | View
Thesis 39: Patriarchy and Education | View
Thesis 40: “Vine & Fig Tree” and Oaths | View
E. “Vine & Fig TreeAND THE RISE OF THE STATE | View
Thesis 41: The Character of “gods” | View
Thesis 42: National Security Without a State | View
Thesis 43: The Prohibition of Monarchism | View
Thesis 44: The State as the Answer to the Prayers of Rebels | View
Thesis 45: The Inferiority of Old Covenant Typological Mediators | View
F. “Vine & Fig TreeAND PROVIDENCE : THE STATE | View
Thesis 46: Romans 8:28 and The State | View
Thesis 47: God’s Sovereign Ordering of Every State | View
Thesis 48: The State Serves God by Sinning | View
Thesis 49: The State As Sanctified “Servant”/“Deacon”/”Minister” | View
Thesis 50: The State Does Not Serve God Self-Consciously | View
Thesis 51: Only One King Self-Consciously Serves God | View
Thesis 52: Judgment of the State in Heaven and Earth | View
Thesis 53: Moloch-Worship and the Nature of Idols | View
Thesis 54: War, Capital Punishment, and “The Sword” | View
Thesis 55: The Throne of David | View
G. “Vine & Fig TreeAND THE MESSIAH | View
Thesis 56: Statism At The Time Of Christ | View
Thesis 57: Kingship, Citizenship, and The Gospel | View
Thesis 58: The Civil Authority of The Pastor: Christ The Shepherd | View
Thesis 59: Jewish Opposition To The Kingdom | View
Thesis 60: Christ’s Binding of Satan | View
Thesis 61: True Power vs. Political Power | View
Thesis 62: Agrarianism As Environmentalism | View
Thesis 63: Christ’s Ascension to the Throne of David | View
Thesis 64: The Camaraderie of “Church” And State | View
Thesis 65: Fox News and the Coming of the Kingdom | View
Thesis 66: The Anointed King vs. Political Kings | View
Thesis 67: Jesus The Nazarene | View
Thesis 68: Extremism Vs. Neutrality | View
Thesis 69: Sons of God and Pedagogues | View
Thesis 70: Judgment and the Church-Courts of Christ | View
Thesis 71: The Apostolic Church and the Spread of Power | View
Thesis 72: “Vine & Fig Tree” and the House-Church | View
Thesis 73: “Vine & Fig Tree” and the “Sacraments”: Baptism | View
Thesis 74: “Vine & Fig Tree” and the “Sacraments”: “The Lord’s Supper” | View
Thesis 75: Self-Ordination | View
Thesis 76: Salt and Statism | View
Thesis 77: Political Authority and Kingdom Citizenship | View
Thesis 78: “Vine & Fig Tree” and Resistance to Tyranny in the Last Days of the Old Covenant | View
Thesis 79: Taxation, Kingdom Citizenship, and Overcoming Through Suffering | View
Thesis 80: Violence | View
Thesis 81: Vengeance | View
Thesis 82: Creationist Anarcho-Socialism and Darwinian Archo-Socialism | View
Thesis 83: Pedagogy and The Powers | View
Thesis 84: The End of Archists: The Pedagogues Judged by the Church | View
Thesis 85: The Last Days of the Old Covenant | View
I. “Vine & Fig TreeINTHE MILLENNIUM” | View
Thesis 86: “The Millennium” | View
Thesis 87: “Ruling with Christ” | View
Thesis 88: Salvation as Light and Social Healing | View
Thesis 89: Edenic Restoration | View
Thesis 90: The New Heavens and New Earth | View
Thesis 91: The Unconverted In the “Millennium” | View
Thesis 92: The Last Acts of Earthly Archists | View
Thesis 93: The City of God | View

You need to go through the entire year-long program to appreciate these studies. You do yourself a disservice if you try to judge any one of the studies without studying the entire series. Real change will take place when you work through the entire Bible systematically, daily, prayerfully, thoughtfully, over the course of a year. The change in your thinking -- the change in your worldview -- will not come about because we forced you or tricked you. You will experience those "Aha!' moments when the lightbulb goes on and you're never able to look at the Bible the same way again.

The significance of most of these studies will become clearer after you become acquainted with the three other works that we'll be covering in the GeorgeWashingtonCoaching Program.

We offer a Money-Back Guarantee.
This is highly unusual among coaching programs.

  • We guarantee you will not agree with every idea we suggest during this year-long study of the Bible.
  • We guarantee that if you take advantage of the unlimited email, Discussion forums, teleseminars, and coaching calls to engage these new ideas and let "iron sharpen iron," you will grow in your understanding and love of the Bible.
  • We guarantee that you will become more certain, not less, that the Bible is the Word of God and worthy of our trust and affection.
  • We guarantee that the quality of our resources is scholarly, and that the content of this year-long study of the Bible is as challenging and rigorous as any university, post-graduate, or seminary course on the Bible.
  • We guarantee that you will be confident that we have an orthodox view of the Bible.
  • You will get more out of this program than any college or seminary class you've ever had.
  • We guarantee you won't get an "F" that will haunt you forever.

If you do not consider yourself to be a Christian, or do not believe the Bible is reliable, we're willing to work with you too. We invite you to enroll, and we will offer ideas for your consideration such as this one:

The Bible is Our Starting Point

We try to keep our daily assignments strictly under 50 minutes a day, but we are thrilled to discuss all issues in greater depth through email, teleseminars, and coaching calls.

This is not a debate club.

This is for people who are open-minded; willing to listen respectfully to the ideas of George Washington, America's Founding Fathers, colonial America, and the five great works that you will be reading in the next 365 days. You don't have to agree with every detail, but your goal must be to help yourself and others become:

  •  an extraordinary American
  •  an extraordinary Christian
  •  an extraordinary Human Being

If you're an atheist, your goal must not be to get Christians to renounce their faith, but to help them become more like Jesus Christ -- even if you don't believe He existed. You must agree to be in pursuit of the character qualities listed below.

Some Requirements

In order to qualify for the money-back guarantee, there are some requirements.

  1. You must create a blog.

  2. You must answer a couple of no-brainer questions that any 5th-grader could answer if the assignments were read with even minimal comprehension.

  3. Your answers must be posted on your blog.

  4. You're on the honor system to cut out an hour of the mainstream media and replace it with our assigned readings.

There are more program requirements here.

Biblical Character Traits

back to top

Each day as we read the Bible we're going
to focus on things that George Washington
focused on in his studies: virtue, morality
and character.
Not the kind of character that makes a person
a prissy priest or clergyman.
But the kind of character than can
create entrepreneurs, generals, and heroes;
build businesses, hospitals and universities.
We'll study the character traits you see at left, and we will begin
developing them into habits in our own lives.
We'll discover a program to develop extraordinary habits
in the next great work we're going to read.

Over the course of 365 days, you'll begin internalizing Christianity as a worldview.

You will begin applying Christian principles to every area of your life. Christianity will no longer be a private belief for you, but a public matter. You will become your own "City upon a Hill."

Abraham Kuyper (1837-1920), the Prime Minister of the Netherlands, delivered a series of lectures at the Princeton Theological Seminary in 1898 under the auspices of the L. P. Stone Foundation. Kuyper explained how the Christian faith as set forth in the Westminster Standards related to Religion, Politics, Science, and the Arts. Kuyper said,

"In the total expanse of human life there is not a single square inch of which the Christ, who alone is sovereign, does not declare, that is Mine!"

If Christianity is relegated to Sunday school, then Monday through Friday we can deny justice, infringe on liberty, and destroy the life, liberty and property of others. It is because the Westminster Standard viewed life as a whole, all of it under the jurisdiction of God and His Laws and morality, that America became prosperous and admired. Americans Christianized business, science, the arts, and every area of life. This made America a great place to live.

Consider your alternatives:
An atheistic Soviet Union
Buddhist Sri Lanka
Most people would rather live in America, a Christian nation.

It was Calvinism that shaped America.

The second
most popular work in colonial America
(after the Bible)
was the Westminster Standards.

This comprised a Confession of Faith, a Larger Catechism and a Smaller Catechism.

At a time when the total population of America was only four million people, it is estimated that some five million copies of the "Westminster Shorter Catechism" were available in the colonies. Historian Richard Gardiner writes:

The Westminster Catechism was not only a central part of the colonial educational curriculum, learning it was required by law. Each town employed an officer whose duty was to visit homes to hear the children recite the Catechism. The primary schoolbook for children, the New England Primer, included the Catechism. Daily recitations of it were required at these schools. Their curriculum included memorization of the Westminster Confession and the Westminster Larger Catechism. There was not a person at Independence Hall in 1776 who had not been exposed to it, and most of them had it spoon fed to them before they could walk.

It takes approximately 11 minutes per day to read through the Bible from cover to cover. It only takes a couple of minutes a day to read through the Westminster Catechisms and Confession in a year. They were written around 1645 and the drafters unequivocally opposed our brand of political libertarianism. But they believed that God is God, and denied that the State is God, a necessary first step on your road to becoming an extraordinary American, an extraordinary Christian, and an extraordinary human being..

And from the Westminster Standards
we're going to discover a program that
will rapidly and profoundly change
our personal character and habits.

"The Apotheosis of Washington"
Civil War-Era fresco in the dome in
the rotunda of the United States Capitol Building

George Washington’s Ascension to Heaven

I'll tell you about the next two important works
we'll read during the next 365 days,
but first,
here's where we get really controversial.
Learning about religion and morality as
America's Founding Fathers learned about it
Washington and the Founding Fathers advocated it
is controversial enough
-- this is stuff that makes the ACLU pull its hair and scream --
but we're also going to learn from Washington's
We here at GeorgeWashingtonCoaching
are not obsessed with George Washington.
Some Americans after his death were ready to
make him a demi-god. Washington was truly
an extraordinary human being, but he had his faults,
as we'll see.
There is no other program on the WWW that
will help you avoid the three biggest mistakes
that Washington and the Founding Fathers made.
Many people will say they weren’t mistakes at all.
You will be challenged by our claim that
these were mistakes. And in the next year,
as you wrestle with our claim that the Founders were
mistaken at key points, and
as you engage these new ideas, and
as "iron sharpens iron" (Proverbs 27:17)
you are going to CHANGE.
You will make the choices.
You will make the change.
If you don't sign up for GeorgeWashingtonCoaching,
you wont be challenged,
you won't make the changes,
and you will not grow.
You will be a better person if you get a coach
to challenge and encourage you,
to become extraordinary, and to avoid Washington’s mistakes.
What were George Washington's three biggest mistakes?
What were the three biggest mistakes
of America's Founding Fathers?
What were the three mistakes that
eventually destroyed
the country that Washington Fathered?
Huge Mistake Number One:
America’s Founding Fathers emphasized
"rights" rather than duties.
They did speak of duties, (in a way and to a degree
that public schools today cannot)
but their talk about "rights”
undercut and negated their talk about duties.
You ask, "What's wrong with human rights?"
If America's Founders could see America in
2012, they would see immediately what's
wrong with "rights."
I’ll give you an example.
None of us has a "right to life."
We all have a duty not to kill,
but life is a gift, and we don't have a
claim on life. God wasn’t obligated
to create us, fearing that if He didn’t,
He would violate our “right to life.”
Only the Sovereign has rights.
Washington understood that God was Sovereign,
but he inconsistently flattered Americans with
talk about their “rights.”
Today’s concept of “rights” is destroying America.
The absence of a sense of a Duty to God is also destroying America.

Americans today think they have a right to a first-class education, a high-paying job, wonder-working healthcare, and just about everything they want -- all free, of course.

Has your mind been polluted by this toxic concept?

Consider these passages of Scripture:

Romans 12-13

1 Peter 2:13ff

Matthew 5:38ff 

Luke 17:7-10 

Jude 8-10  /  2 Peter 2:10-12

Many Jews in Jesus' day expected the coming Messiah to overthrow the Roman Empire in a great military battle. The "Zealots" were constantly ready to resist the Romans and foment violent revolution. Jesus disappointed them all.

Huge Mistake Number Two:
They overthrew the government by
force and violence.
Violent revolution is always wrong,
but getting out your musket and
killing other Christians is even
When you enroll in GeorgeWashingtonCoaching,
you'll study the Bible and find out
that Jesus clearly taught that
Christians should not overthrow
even the most barbaric, violent,
oppressive tyranny in history:
the Roman Empire that imposed
a military occupation of Israel.
Britain in 1776 was certainly more
civilized and Christian than the Roman Empire,
but Jesus and the Apostles firmly
prohibited resisting even the pagan
military occupation of Israel
and attempting to overthrow Caesar by
violent revolution.
And this was not for tactical reasons
or considerations of prudence or
the likelihood of success.
Violent revolution is contrary to Christian ethics
even if it can succeed.
Followers of Christ don't kill their enemies.
They convert them. They pray for them.
They preach the Word of God,
     the Spirit bears witness to the Word,
     the hearts of the enemy are changed
     and they repent of socialism, fascism
     military occupation and totalitarianism.
When they repent, they resign their political office.
They end imperial conquest and confiscation.
The end their enslavement and conscription of others.
We preach; they repent.
That's the Christian goal, not blowing their brains out.
America would be a very different nation
if we had obeyed our duties instead of
killing for our “rights.”
Abolishing tyranny is a good idea. But not with muskets and cannons. Killing a human being created in the Image of God just because that human being is an IRS agent and wants to take your money -- this is not a Christian thing to do.

The war was revolutionary. It began by the dissolution of the British Government in the Colonies; the People of which were, by that operation, left without any Government whatever.
Huge Mistake Number Three:
After they abolished the government,
they replaced it with another.
Yes, that was a mistake.

And you'll see why, and you'll have an alternative,
after you read the next two of the five great works
that we cover in the GeorgeWashingtonCoaching program.

"Under My Own Vine and Fig Tree, 1798" by Jean Leon Gerome Ferris, Lora Robins Collection of Virginia Art, Virginia Historical Society
Under My Own Vine and Fig Tree, 1798
Jean Leon Gerome Ferris
c. 1910
Oil on canvas
Virginia Historical Society
Lora Robins Collection of Virginia Art

Following the end of the war in 1783,
Washington returned to private life and retired to his plantation at Mount Vernon. He spoke of his desire to live safely under his own Vine & Fig Tree, prompting an incredulous King George III to state, "If he does that, he will be the greatest man in the world."

Despite his yearnings, Washington came out of retirement to preside over the Constitutional Convention and become President of the United States of America.

Was this a mistake? Would Washington have been a greater American if he hadn't? Did America really need a President? Did Israel really need a king?

Patrick Henry (“Give me liberty or give me Death”)
refused to support the Constitution.
“I smell a rat in Philadelphia,”
he said.
He was right. So was George Mason,
the “Father of the Bill of Rights,”
who also opposed the new constitution.
What about Romans 13?

We'll cover that.

Believe me; we'll cover that.

See also here.

The common understanding of Romans 13 and the Biblical doctrine of the State is more of a bumper sticker than a complete theory of the State that takes into account the entire Bible.

This is not a difficult or complex issue. It simply requires a degree of boldness to say "yes" to the Bible and to reject the theories of human institutions.

You will have many questions and objections to these ideas. If you have the courage to wrestle with the ideas with an open mind, then iron will sharpen iron.

If they were logically consistent with their ideals,
America's Founding Fathers would not have replaced
the government they abolished with another.
Tragically, America's Founders were men of their age,
products of their times,
And they labored under the mistaken belief that
God commands men to form civil governments.

This was the third huge mistake they made.

The time has come to bury this belief.
It's time to put the Bible ahead of human traditions.
The government America's Founders created
turned out to be
more tyrannical than the government
they abolished.
They sold the Constitution to America
as a document of "enumerated powers,"
“checks and balances,” “separation of powers,”
and popular representation that would
prevent another tyranny from arising.

Or so they said.

Their Constitution failed miserably.
Every Single person who signed the Constitution
in a convention presided over by George Washington
was concerned about tyranny,
and worked diligently to prevent it.
But they would all admit
that today's government is
a greater tyranny
than the one they abolished,
and the Constitution is a complete failure
as a document intended to protect our
so-called "rights."
The tax on tea in 1775 was three pence per pound.
The tax on gas today is ten times greater.
The total tax burden today is 20 times greater
than all the taxes imposed on the colonies
by Britain combined.
And the British government never dreamed
of using the tax revenue they collected to
fund abortions,
or pull copies of the Ten Commandments
off classroom walls.
Instead of declaring that we had a "right" to
"No Taxation without Representation,"
We should have said,
politicians have a duty to God
not to steal.
The British Empire was not as atheistic or
totalitarian as our government is today.
Washington and the Founders would be
horrified at our tolerance for atheistic tyranny.
Once you admit that some men have the right
to rule over others, on what basis do you stop them
from "going too far?"
This question has never been successfully answered
in the history of political science.
It certainly hasn't been answered in America.
  In the 18th century, America's Founders gave us what they called "an Experiment in Liberty," and in the 19th century America became the most prosperous and admired nation in history. Washington D.C. abandoned that experiment in the 20th century, embarking on an experiment in government central planning. Everywhere this experiment was tried -- German, Italy, the Soviet Union -- it left poverty and mass death.

George Washington would see that we need to abolish the current tyranny, and replace it with nothing but "the Invisible Hand" of 100% unregulated, Laissez-faire capitalism.

You're thinking: "Those greedy capitalists will exploit the poor!"

As if greedy politicians don't.

But your moral concerns are valid.

That's why George Washington and America's Founding Fathers believed America had to be a Christian Theocracy.

That's right. Theocracy. This is

The third most important work in the
history of America and Western Civilization
It is not a single book, but a concept.
It’s a concept that transformed barbaric pagan
Empires into limited governments and a
Land of liberty:
And yet for all the good it has done the world, the word is hated even by many Christians.
That word is
Americans have been trained to react in horror to the word "Theocracy." This is an especially devious trick by atheists. A nation "under God" is a Theocracy, because a nation "under God" is a nation that acknowledges that God rules, and "God Rules" is the literal meaning of "Theocracy." Since we've all been brainwashed to repel any move toward "Theocracy," we say nothing when public schools cannot teach children that we are a nation "under God." That might constitute "imposing a Theocracy." Can't have that!

America became the most prosperous and admired nation in history because it was a nation "under God." In short, America was a Christian Theocracy. Today the word "theocracy" conjures up images of Islamic terrorists and mullahs. People think of "theocracy" as a police state governed by priests. This is inaccurate. The word "theocracy" comes from two Greek words, theos, meaning "God," and a Greek word meaning "rule." A theocracy where God rules is a nation "under God." America has always been known as "one nation under God," and therefore America has always been a Christian Theocracy.

But there are good theocracies and there are bad ones. A nation can be attempting to be a Christian Theocracy and do a very poor job of it. We do not believe that a good Christian Theocracy is a police state. We believe a good Christian Theocracy is one where all the priests and princes have resigned and gotten real jobs where they serve others.


[27] 4 Washington Irving, Life of George Washington 475 (New York: G. P. Putnam & Co., 1857); Mrs. C. M Kirkland, Memoirs of Washington 438 (New York: D. Appleton & Company, 1870); Charles Carleton Coffin, Building the Nation 26 (New York: Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1882); etc.

[28] 1 Richardson, Messages and Papers 51-54 (April 30, 1789).

[29] 1 Annals of Congress 29 (April 30, 1789).

[30] Acts Passed at a Congress of the United States of America Begun and Held at the City of New-York, on Wednesday the Fourth of March, in the Year 1789, 104 (Hartford: Hudson & Goodwin, 1791) (August 7, 1789).

[31] 1 Debates and Proceedings 685 (1st Cong., 1st Sess.) (July 21, 1789, passage by the House), and 1 Debates and Proceedings 57 (August 4, 1789, passage by the Senate).

[32] Constitutions (1813) 364 ("An Ordinance of the Territory of the United States Northwest of the River Ohio," Article III).

[33] For example, State constitutions across the decades reflecting this requirement include the 1803 Ohio Constitution (Constitutions (1813), 334, Ohio, 1802, Article 8, Section 3); the 1817 Mississippi Constitution (The Constitutions of All the United States According to the Latest Amendments (Lexington, KY: Thomas T. Skillman, 1817), 389, Mississippi, 1817, Article 9, Section 16); the 1858 Kansas Constitution (House of Representatives, Mis. Doc. No. 44, 35th Cong., 2nd Sess., February 2, 1859, 3-4, Article 1, Section 7, of the Kansas Constitution); the 1875 Nebraska Constitution (M. B. C. True, A Manual of the History and Civil Government of the State of Nebraska (Omaha: Gibson, Miller, & Richardson, 1885), 34, Nebraska, 1875, Article 1, Section 4); etc.

[34] See The Constitution of North Carolina 42 (Raleigh: Rufus L. Edmisten, Secretary of State, 1989) (Article 9, Section 1); Constitution of the State of Nebraska 1-2 (Lincoln: Allen J. Beermann, Secretary of State, 1992) (Article 1, Section 4); Page's Ohio Revised Code Annotated 24 (Cincinnati: Anderson Publishing Co., 1994) (Article 1, Section 7).

[35] United States Code Annotated 1 (St. Paul: West Publishing Co., 1987) ("The Organic Laws of the United States of America").

Religion in Public | WallBuilders


Is the Constitution a Secular Document?

Any government that will not acknowledge itself to be under God is a government that believes it is God.

False Religions


Everything that the ACLU opposes when it speaks of "imposing a theocracy" was done by Washington and the Founding Fathers.

Congress was sitting in New York on April 30, 1789, when Washington took the oath of office as Chief Executive. During his inauguration, Washington took the oath as prescribed by the Constitution but added several religious components to that official ceremony. Before taking his oath of office, he summoned a Bible on which to take the oath, added the words "So help me God!" to the end of the oath, then leaned over and kissed the Bible. [27] His "Inaugural Address" was filled with numerous religious references, [28] and following that address, he and the Congress "proceeded to St. Paul's Chapel, where Divine service was performed." [29]

Only weeks later, Washington signed his first major federal bill [30] - the Northwest Ordinance, drafted concurrently with the creation of the First Amendment. [31] That act stipulated that for a territory to become a State, the "schools and the means of education" in that territory must encourage the "religion, morality, and knowledge" that was "necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind." [32] Conforming to this requirement, numerous subsequent State constitutions included that clause, [33] and it still appears in State constitutions today. [34] Furthermore, that law is listed in the current federal code, along with the Constitution, the Declaration, and the Articles of Confederation, as one of America's four "organic" or foundational laws. [35]

Washington would be appalled that today's Supreme Court says it is "unconstitutional" for children in public schools to be taught that Christianity is "necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind." Every single person who signed the Constitution believed that it was, and intended for government to endorse that idea.

In his Inaugural Address, Washington, speaking publicly and officially as the new President of the United States, said:

Such being the impressions under which I have, in obedience to the public summons, repaired to the present station, it would be peculiarly improper to omit, in this first official act, my fervent supplications to the Almighty Being, who rules over the universe, who presides in the councils of nations, and whose providential aids can supply every human defect, that His benediction may consecrate to the liberties and happiness of the people of the United States a government instituted by themselves for these essential purposes, and may enable every instrument employed in its administration to execute with success the functions allotted to his charge.
      In tendering this homage to the great Author of every public and private good, I assure myself that it expresses your sentiments not less than my own; nor those of my fellow-citizens at large, less than either. No people can be bound to acknowledge and adore the invisible hand, which conducts the affairs of men, more than the people of the United States. Every step, by which they have advanced to the character of an independent nation, seems to have been distinguished by some token of providential agency. And, in the revolution just accomplished in the system of their united government, the tranquil deliberations and voluntary consent of so many distinct communities, from which the event has resulted, cannot be compared with the means by which most governments have been established, without some return of pious gratitude along with a humble anticipation of the future blessings which the past seem to presage. These reflections, arising out of the present crisis, have forced themselves too strongly on my mind to be suppressed. You will join with me, I trust, in thinking that there are none under the influence of which the proceedings of a new and free government can more auspiciously commence.

President Washington could not have said these things to children in a public school classroom. (And not just because American public school students are generally illiterate and wouldn't understand half of what colonial teenagers would have understood.)

In his Farewell Address, Washington reminded the nation:

Of all the dispositions and habits, which lead to political prosperity, Religion, and Morality are indispensable supports.—In vain would that man claim the tribute of Patriotism, who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of Men and Citizens. —The mere Politician, equally with the pious man, ought to respect and to cherish them.—A volume could not trace all their connexions with private and public felicity.—Let it simply be asked where is the security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation desert the oaths, which are the instruments of investigation in Courts of Justice? And let us with caution indulge the supposition, that morality can be maintained without religion.—Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure—reason and experience both forbid us to expect, that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.—

Washington - indisputably a constitutional expert - declared that religion and morality were inseparable from government, and that no true patriot, whether politician or clergyman, would attempt to weaken the relationship between government and the influence of religion and morality.

These statements clearly violate the modern-day Supreme Court's delusion that the government must be "separate" from religion, that believers not be favored over unbelievers, and the Humanist myth that religion be kept private.

To the extent that you believe in the modern myth of "separation of church and state," you are an inferior American, and George Washington would be disgusted with you. The program at GeorgeWashingtonCoaching will help you become a Christian Theocrat like George Washington and the rest of America's Founding Fathers.

Sam Adams said,

[N]either the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt.

His cousin, John Adams, said:

[W]e have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. . . . Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.

[I]t is religion and morality alone which can establish the principles upon which freedom can securely stand. The only foundation of a free constitution is pure virtue.

Sam Adams wrote to his cousin John:

Let divines and philosophers, statesmen and patriots, unite their endeavors to renovate the age, by impressing the minds of men with the importance of educating their little boys and girls, of inculcating in the minds of youth the fear and love of the Deity. . . and, in subordination to these great principles, the love of their country. . . . In short, of leading them in the study and practice of the exalted virtues of the Christian system.

Letter to John Adams, 1790, who wrote back: "You and I agree."
Four Letters: Being an Interesting Correspondence Between Those Eminently Distinguished Characters, John Adams, Late President of the United States; and Samuel Adams, Late Governor of Massachusetts. On the Important Subject of Government (Boston: Adams and Rhoades, 1802) pp. 9-10

This is exactly what GeorgeWashingtonCoaching will do for you. You can compensate for what the federal government denied you as a little boy or girl by enrolling in GeorgeWashingtonCoaching.

On the day after the Constitution went into effect in March of 1789, America as a whole and each one of the 13 united States was a Christian Theocracy.

A Christian Theocracy seeks to give God all the glory. It's hard to see that God rules today when the State claims to be the Messiah.

Americans today have been misled by the myth of "the Separation of Church and State." This mythical idea -- not found anywhere in the Constitution -- has come to mean the separation of God and State, with God being separated into the private world of fantasy and imagination, and the State having omnipotent power in "the real world."

In 1892 the United States Supreme Court unanimously declared that America was "a Christian nation." The Court went back to the discovery of North America by Columbus, and summarized all the official legal charters and documents that acknowledged our duty to God and created the American Theocracy, the most prosperous and admired nation in history. In 1989 the Court said, "This Court  squarely has rejected the proposition that the First Amendment is to be interpreted in light of any favoritism for Christianity that may have existed among the Founders of the Republic. "May have?" America is no longer a nation under God. As a result, America -- once prosperous and admired --  is now bankrupt and despised.

The great conflict in Western Civilization today is whether our world will become

 • an Islamic theocracy,
 • an atheistic theocracy (where man thinks he is his own god, but the omnipotent secular State wields total, crushing power),
 • or whether America will again be a "City upon a Hill," persuading the world to become a peaceful, global Christian Theocracy -- the kind described by the Prophet Micah.

The third reading assignment will be the history of Christian Theocracy and "Western Civilization."

Hundreds of years before Christ, the prophet Daniel spoke of the first Christmas, the birth of the Messiah in the days of the Roman Empire. That empire was destroyed, and Christian Theocracy began growing. The Emperor Justinian began Christianizing the Eastern Roman Empire, and in the West kings like Alfred and Ethelbert made the 10 Commandments the basis of new legal systems. The "Common Law" began, with a Christian foundation, and eventually found its way into the Constitution of the United States, "a Christian nation." No one book adequately chronicles this history, so we will read from a number of books that try:


Excerpts from these books are freely available on the Internet. Only one of the authors agrees with our radical conclusions (described below), but their arguments lead to our conclusions if consistently held.

There are two stories that need to be told:

The first is how Christianity destroyed the slavery and paganism of the Roman Empire and inaugurated "Liberty Under God," the foundation of "Western Civilization"   (476 A.D.- 1517 A.D.).

The second story is the story of America, and how

Calvinism created America  (1517-1787)
• America apostatized into an atheistic empire  (1787-2012)
• and -- hopefully -- how America repented and became an anarchist-theocracy (2012 - ????).

To begin this second story, George Washington would assign the reading of the Supreme Court's opinion in the 1892 Decision Holy Trinity Church vs. The United States and all the historic legal documents cited by the Court.


The fourth book of the five most important books in the history of America and Western Civilization is about


Capitalism or socialism?

This is the second great question of our age. It is a derivative of the first great question, Theonomy or Automony?

The Wealth of Nations

Many Americans today believe that the government produces wealth. Others want the government to redistribute wealth ("spread the wealth") to special interests -- the most special of all interests, of course, being "ME!"  Such people wouldn't even entertain the idea of abolishing the current tyranny, much less actively work toward that goal, because that which America's Founders described as "tyranny" many in our day would praise as a big benevolent brother. "The government can give us whatever we want if we just vote the most generous and compassionate politicians into office," they believe.

Adam Smith would be appalled at such ignorance and immorality. Smith taught ethics at the University of Glasgow and wrote a Theory of Moral Sentiments. In the same year as the Declaration of Independence was written (1776), Adam Smith wrote a book entitled An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of The Wealth of Nations, widely regarded as the first treatise on capitalism.

Capitalism is unquestionably one of the most important features of Western Civilization. Capitalist nations enjoy health and prosperity.

"Capitalism" is the opposite of "socialism."

Socialist nations can't spread the wealth, they can only spread the poverty by compulsion and threats of violence. Socialism -- government intervention in the economy -- is not just inefficient and wasteful, it is immoral.

Smith's Wealth of Nations is not easy reading, but George Washington would insist that no true American can be without a basic understanding of capitalism and the laws of a free economy. Fortunately, in our day a more recent treatise on capitalism as been written which is wonderfully illuminating and readable:  Capitalism by Prof. George Reisman.


George Washington would assign Reisman's text to any American who wanted to become an extraordinary American. Consistent socialism is maximum government. We believe consistent capitalism is the exact opposite.

If you thought "Theocracy" was controversial, please have a seat. The odds are good that you are a victim of

The Biggest Government Lie in all of Human History.

George Washington was the father of a nation "under God" -- a Christian Theocracy. He was also the father of nation of "LIBERTY UNDER GOD." And if he could see the progress (and regress) of the last 200 years, he would advocate

100% pure laissez-faire capitalism

You might not be offended at that idea. Yet.

It means the absence of all socialism. Every trace.

If you think about that for a minute or two, you'll realize that another word for the complete absence of socialism is "anarchism."

That word is explosive. That's because you've been brainwashed. That's because you are a victim of

The Biggest Government Lie in all of Human History.

Pure capitalism is anarcho-capitalism, the absence of government force. Prof. Reisman disagrees with us, but his book will help us prove our point with credibility and impeccable logic. 

Are you a socialist or a capitalist?

You probably haven't even begun to answer this question.

"Trust No One"

How do libertarians respond to the accusation that they do not have enough trust in government? John Adams wrote in 1772:

There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with power to endanger the public liberty."

Should libertarians have more confidence in their government? Thomas Jefferson, 1799:

Confidence is everywhere the parent of despotism. Free government is founded in jealousy, and not in confidence; it is jealousy, and not confidence, which prescribes limited constitutions to bind down those whom we are obliged to trust with power.… In questions of power, then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.

James Madison warned the people of Virginia (1799):

the nation which reposes on the pillow of political confidence, will sooner or later end its political existence in a deadly lethargy.

Madison added in Federalist No. 55,

[T]here is a degree of depravity in mankind which requires a certain degree of circumspection and distrust. . . .

Trusting government, having "confidence in government," is un-American.

The British historian Lord Acton put it this way:

Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority; still more when you superadd the tendency or the certainty of corruption by authority. There is no worse heresy than that the office sanctifies the holder of it.

The exercise of political power is problematic. We should assume that "great men" -- that is, powerful men -- men who wield the force of "the government" -- are morally corrupt. This assumption should be considered confirmed if he increases his own power during his time of "public service."

Why Bad Men Rule by Hans-Hermann Hoppe

"Good intentions will always be pleaded for any assumption of power. The Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions. There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters ... but they mean to be masters."
~ Daniel Webster

Everybody talks about "smaller government." Everybody agrees that some government needs to be cut. How much? When and where do we stop cutting?

In 1776, America's Founding Fathers proposed a form of government which scandalized many. A government with NO KING.

It was unprecedented.

How can a nation preserve social order -- how can a government govern -- with no king? It would be like a headless horseman!

It got worse. America's government would be a government characterized by "the Consent of the Governed."

This turned the entire concept of "government" on its head. When the king has a "divine right" to govern his subjects, the subjects have no right to disagree with the king. Every decree of the king is assumed to be valid, even if the subjects don't like it. But in America, every action of the government would be presumed to be INVALID unless the governed consented to the government's act.

We The People would govern ourselves.

And -- We the People would govern the government.

We the People would tell the government how to govern!


It rocked the world.

Only a Theocracy -- a people "under God" -- can be trusted with self-government -- capitalism and a Free Market. And if religion and morality hold sway in a nation, then we can safely criticize America's Founding Fathers for replacing one government with another. They themselves taught us not to trust civil governments for social order, but to trust in religion and morality. If you're having second thoughts about enrolling in GeorgeWashingtonCoaching, read the quotes on that page. Take a glance at the linked pages on that page. After reading the Bible, the Westminster Standards, the history of Theocracy and Western Civilization, and Reisman's treatise on Capitalism, you will be ready for the next paradigm.

It will be bigger than "consent of the governed."

If you and I don't follow the lead of George Washington, the next generation will be engulfed in socialism and the darkness of "false religions" (to use the words of James Madison, the "Father of the Constitution").


The Final Book

Four months into the program we will be taking a detailed survey of all participants to monitor their progress. We will determine the chief continuing objections to becoming a radical, Extraordinary Christian (if any). The fifth text will be assigned based on the individual answers.

One of the most popular objections to undertaking the task of abolishing an atheistic dictatorship by working to persuade archists to repent (resign) is the belief that Christ is going to return "any day now," and "you don't polish brass on a sinking ship." Christians are soon going to be "raptured," many believe, so why work against the tyranny of "The New World Order" or invest energy in a defense of "Liberty Under God?" Those voicing such objections will be assigned the reading of an 1876 book entitled The Parousia:

This book is simply a catalog of all New Testament prophecies concerning "the second coming." The result of looking at all the evidence will be a "paradigm shift."

We admit that this book is not yet one of the most important books in American history or the history of Western Civilization. What we believe is that the idea that Christians should not be a "city upon a hill," a "light unto the world," or "the salt of the earth," and should allow Satan to rule or destroy the world, is an idea that has already done much to undo everything George Washington and the Founding Fathers worked for, as well as all that Calvin and Augustine worked for. It is, in fact, turning over the City of God and the Kingdom of Christ to the city of man and the kingdom of Satan.

In other words, one of the most important ideas in the history of Western Civilization is the refutation of the idea that Western Civilization --Christian Civilization -- is not worth perpetuating.

Other objections will be prescribed an appropriate remedy on an individual basis.

More and more Christians are applying Christian worldview materials. Charles Colson writes:

       One lawyer told me that he has started a discussion group, studying worldview with non-believers in his firm. A college professor said that he uses BreakPoints to start discussions in his secular college classroom. A businessman in Minneapolis leads a group of businessmen in worldview discussions and sends them out to teach others.
       And my friend Nancy Fitzgerald in Indianapolis teaches worldview lessons to teenagers in her home. Last year, two groups of one hundred arrived each Sunday, listened to an hour-long lecture, and then camped out all over her house in small groups to talk about what they had learned. Many of them keep up with her after they get to college.

Elsewhere Colson describes a coaching program of his own:

       Three years ago, I launched a year-long distance education program called Centurions, designed to equip one hundred men and women each year to defend truth in an age when too many are throwing their weapons down.
       Sadly, bad philosophy—like relativism, naturalism, and secular humanism—runs rampant in our legislatures, schools, movie theaters, and even our churches. In the face of this, Centurions is preparing men and women not just to understand and articulate their own Christian worldview, but also to proactively teach that worldview to others and engage the culture in their own particular sphere of influence.
       One of our Centurion graduates, Jeff Clinton, a contributor to BreakPoint’s blog, The Point, describes in a recent post what sets the program apart. He writes, “The Centurions program is not a program where you [leave simply] with a fresh set of books. Entering the program comes with a commitment to . . . influence others and pass on knowledge, [which] creates a special dynamic that goes with being part of a community of serious, kingdom-minded Christians who want to engage a needy world for the cause of Christ.” Jeff underscores exactly the vision we have for the program, one of exponential cultural impact.
       And we have plenty of examples of Centurions doing just that from Wendell Cantrell in Johannesburg, South Africa, who is investing deeply in discipling fifteen others in biblical worldview, to Centurions Nanci Boice, Rick Hooten, and Dave Brown, who hosted a worldview conference in Austin, Texas, for 130 people last January.
       But not only are Centurions sharing the training they’ve received, they are also impacting the culture firsthand. There’s Jim Walter, who is engaging in public debate, meeting with public officials, and writing letters-to-editors on issues of bioethics and human dignity. There’s Will Burns, who is part of a team that is planting a church that will seek to draw in artists, encouraging and supporting them in their craft during the week and celebrating the Creator on Sundays. And there’s John Nunnikhoven, who has taught an eight-week worldview course for civic and political leaders in Vermont.
       Our culture urgently needs more men and women who will rightly wield good philosophy to counter the bad philosophy of the postmodern era, men and women who can winsomely present the Christian worldview in their sphere of influence.

Colson's "Centurions" program is a great program.
We've plagiarized a great deal from it.
But GeorgeWashingtonCoaching is more
radical and extremist than the "Centurions" program.
The Founder of GeorgeWashingtonCoaching
was denied a slot in the "Centurions" program
because he believes
George Washington made huge mistakes.
As you review those alleged mistakes below,
ask yourself if you want to be a "conservative" and
conserve (or repeat) the mistakes of the past,
or whether you want to
"turn the world upside down"
with a new paradigm
GeorgeWashingtonCoaching can equip you
to make a difference,
and to bring glory to God.
(And it's half the price of Chuck Colson's
"Centurions" program.")
When you complete a year of
you will have a passion for making America
a nation "Under God." During the next year
we are not just going to read five books.
We are going to formulate the steps
that George Washington would take if
he could look back with 20/20 hindsight
and realize that violent revolution
is not the answer to tyranny and .atheistic dictatorship.
You will become an
  •  an extraordinary American
  •  an extraordinary Christian
  •  an extraordinary Human Being
We have more time than Washington did.
Washington had to chop firewood to heat his home.
You just flick a switch.
His horse took hours to get to town.
Your car takes mere minutes.
Your kitchen and office are filled with
“labor-saving devices” that free up your time
to watch American Idol and read the sports page
every day.
Replace one hour of the “mainstream media”
with an hour of GeorgeWashingtonCoaching over the next
365 days, and you will become
  •  an extraordinary American
  •  an extraordinary Christian
  •  an extraordinary Human Being
GeorgeWashingtonCoaching uses internet technology to
recreate a complete colonial education
for adults
in just one year.
  You are going to join other extraordinary Americans in undertaking the task of abolishing the U.S. government and making America a Christian Theocracy again.

Or you can expect Jesus to vomit you out.

You're frightened by the word "abolish." You don't own a musket or a cannon. You don't like the idea of killing today's "Red Coats," because many of them are your friends and neighbors.

I share your concerns.

The only way you'll be convinced you should work to abolish the government is to be convinced that killing is always wrong. That stealing or extortion ("taxation") is always wrong. That kidnapping or "conscription" is always wrong. That violence -- even the politically-legitimized violence of "the State" -- is always wrong.

In short, you're going to become a pacifist.

And your opposition to violence, revolution, assassination, vandalism, extortion, and the destruction of peace and order
will compel you to work to abolish the U.S. federal government,
the greatest threat to peace and Godly order.

Samuel Adams went to Harvard. George Washington was homeschooled. Both received similar educations.

I'm betting that in one year I can coach you through the education Sam Adams and George Washington received, and turn you into
a radical American,
a Christian extremist, and
an extraordinary human being.
You in turn will become a coach to another, who will then coach another. And if you aren't convinced you need to become the next George Washington or Sam Adams, and coach another radical Christian anarchist into existence, I'll give you your tuition back. Every penny. Without an argument.

If you're with me this far, then you're ready for the details of the program.

Click here.

  Do you have questions about this program? Type them in the box below