The George Washington Coaching Program is
How can we make such an extraordinary claim?Imagine George Washington is your personal coach.You may be asking, "Why follow George Washington as a model? Didn't he own slaves?" If you have checked out this page, you shouldn't be surprised to learn that most of what you know about George Washington and America's Founding Fathers is false, and most of what is true you have never been told. At a recent celebration of Martin Luther King Day, the NAACP held a rally at the South Carolina State House. A box was placed around a statue of George Washington to hide Washington from the crowd. The NAACP said they covered the statue because they didn't want to offend anyone. For generations, George Washington was the most revered man in America. His portrait could be seen in every public building, in every school, and in many bedrooms of America's boys. He was a hero and an icon. "Americans" today are ashamed of him. |
Praises for Washington by his contemporaries
George Washington led the American colonists in an effort to abolish a tyrannical government. The government he called a "tyranny" had a tax on a pound of tea that was ten times lower than the tax we pay on a gallon of gas. What he called a "tyranny" was more representative than our modern "Administrative State," and "tyrants" in his day would never have dreamed of using colonial tax revenue to fund abortions, marry homosexuals, or remove all copies of the Ten Commandments from public schools and courthouses. |
Why Should I Imitate George Washington?
We get letters . . .Subject: Washington Ain't That Great From: "" Date: Fri, February 20, 2009 5:41 pm To: ------------------------------------------------ I don't know that I consider George Washington a man of character.... He had his place in history ...... but he also had his place in the bed of his slaves.....sorry This letter reflects a tragic situation. Surveys show that if public school kids know anything about George Washington, it's that (1) he's on the one-dollar bill, and (2) he owned slaves. Not much else. The speech linked above is a powerful indictment of modern America's ignorance of her Founding Fathers. My response: ------------------------------------------------ Subject: Re: Washington Ain't That Great From: "George Washington Coaching" Date: Fri, February 20, 2009 6:27 pm To: ------------------------------------------------ I appreciate your taking time to comment. I'd like to encourage you to take a second look. Washington and Jefferson worked hard to abolish slavery before it became fashionable to do so. I'd like to think you would have worked as hard as they did, had you lived in the middle of the 18th century. Check out this article: Americans today are pampered slaves. We have more than half of everything we work to produce taken from us in taxes. Nearly every decision we make is regulated in some way by the government. The mainstream media and academia criticize Washington for the slaves he inherited, while overlooking the emerging police state. Here are the details of the George Washington Coaching program: I'm sure you'll find the program intellectually challenging. Thanks again for writing. Kevin Craig Vine & Fig Tree Coaching Services George Washington was against slavery and passionately for liberty. We disdain liberty and accept slavery. So naturally we have to insult Washington. |
GeorgeWashingtonCoaching is a rigorous distance-learning program that helps you learn these ideas and develop the skills to put them into effect and promote them in our society. It is a year-long program equivalent to four university-level courses. The homework assignments are free. There is a fee for nagging. You'll need lots of nagging. Sign up for more information on how to get started: |
You Need to Learn and Avoid the Three Biggest Mistakes George Washington and America's Founding Fathers MadeYou're going to have your world turned upside down when you hear why Patrick Henry ("Give me liberty or give me death") and George Mason ("Father of the Bill of Rights") both opposed the Constitution.
You Need A CoachYou need someone to push you, so that you can accomplish all that you're capable of accomplishing. You Need a CommunityYou will benefit by participating in on-going discussions with other people who are having their world turned upside down by the most important ideas in American history.
After one year, you will not be the same person. You will be
Or you get your money back. |
George Washington's AdviceOn May 2, 1778, when the Continental Army had emerged from its infamous winter at Valley Forge, Commander-in-Chief George Washington issued the following:
The Writings of George Washington, JC Fitzpatrick, ed., Wash. DC: US Gov't Printing Office, 1932, Vol. XI:342-343, General Orders of 5/2/1778 On May 12, 1779, in a speech to the Delaware Indian Chiefs, Washington coached them:
The Writings of George Washington, JC Fitzpatrick, ed., Wash. DC: US Gov't Printing Office, 1932, Vol 15, p.55. |
But Washington said a true American loves a certain kind of liberty.
Liberty Under God.Can you be a true American if you believe in communism? No. Can you be a true American if you want the liberty to be your own god? George Washington would say No. Wouldn't that exclude atheists from being "true Americans?"
So should the government arrest atheists, execute them, and confiscate their property? Does that sound like a "humble imitation" of "that charity, humility, and pacific temper of mind, which were the characteristics of the Divine Author of our blessed religion?" |
When you enroll in GeorgeWashingtonCoaching you will begin reading the five most important works in the history of America and Western Civilization. Find out what they were here. You'll also learn the three biggest mistakes George Washington and the Founding Fathers made. Skip ahead and read about them now. Extraordinary radicals. Extraordinary extremists.
Don't give in to the temptation to say you don't have to be extraordinary. Don't think for a minute that you can remain ordinary, moderate, neutral, or lukewarm. Jesus said to people just like us,
2012 is not looking like a pretty year. A lot of church-goers are going to be vomited out. You will enjoy your life more if you are not lukewarm
Some people have asked:
What would George Washington say about you if he were your personal coach?
If you're like me, he would say you're a lousy Christian and a stinking rotten American. Ouch! Why would he say that?
What is a "Personal Coach?"If you're an athlete and you want to win a race, you get yourself a coach. Your coach will encourage you, nag you, maybe yell at you, in order to drag out your maximum performance so you can win the race and take home the Gold Medal. George Washington said if you want to be a great human being, you need to be a great American and -- more important -- a great Christian. The Christian Scriptures teach that life is like a race that we need to train for, run hard, and win. So if you want to follow George Washington's advice, you need a coach. Wouldn't it be great to have George Washington as your coach! He coached the Continental Army to victory over the mighty British Empire. He coached the Constitutional Convention to agreement on a new Constitution. And after he served as America's first President, he became known as "the Father of his Country." Keep reading this page and you learn the two things you need to become an extraordinary American, an Extraordinary Christian, and an extraordinary human being. You need to learn the basic skills of winning life's race, and you need encouragement from a coach. This is where you get both. |
You are a victim of Educational Malpractice.
George Washington's AdviceOn May 2, 1778, when the Continental Army had emerged from its infamous winter at Valley Forge, Commander-in-Chief George Washington issued the following:
The Writings of George Washington, JC Fitzpatrick, ed., Wash. DC: US Gov't Printing Office, 1932, Vol. XI:342-343, General Orders of 5/2/1778 On May 12, 1779, in a speech to the Delaware Indian Chiefs, Washington coached them:
The Writings of George Washington, JC Fitzpatrick, ed., Wash. DC: US Gov't Printing Office, 1932, Vol 15, p.55. |
George Washington has been criticized for owning slaves -- even though he inherited them, and even though it was illegal for him to free them (when Virginia tried passing laws against slavery, the King of Britain overruled them). But being a slave in a Christian nation is better than being "free" in an atheistic nation. |
Samuel Adams, speaking at the State House in Philadelphia, to a very numerous audience on August 1, 1776:
If you are an ordinary American, you are a pampered slave. You are wealthy beyond the imagination of anyone alive in 1776. But you would rather keep the remote control of your TV than fight for liberty and personal responsibility. |
In a nutshell, public schools 200 years ago taught Americans to follow George Washington's advice: to be a good Christian. |
You Need to Read the Five Most Important Works in the History of America and Western CivilizationThere are three main components of the George-Washington-Coaching Program. The first is reading the five most important works in the history of America and Western Civilization. Most Americans in 1776 knew these ideas backwards and forwards, and certainly a lot better than most Americans today. You may be in the top 1% of Americans in terms of knowing these key ideas, and yet be in the bottom 50% of Americans in 1776. The first book, of course -- the most significant book in the history of America and Western Civilization -- is the Bible. During the next 365 days, you will read the Bible from cover to cover in a way you never have before. In 1837, the Supreme Court of Delaware said this:
Day by day, your eyes will be opened as you see how the Bible is the foundation of liberty and civilization as we know it. |
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