GeorgeWashingtonCoaching.com |
The George Washington Coaching Program is
How can we make such an extraordinary claim?America was once the most extraordinary nation in the world, because America was made up of extraordinary individuals. Individual Americans in 1776 were extraordinary, compared to Americans in 2012.
Imagine you're in a classroom, and the teacher passes out copies of
America's Declaration of Independence (1776) and endorses
and promotes
the Declaration, telling the class that what the Declaration of
Independence says really is true. Agents of the government
immediately arrest the teacher (or the Principal, or the district
Superintendent) for violating government orders prohibiting teachers in
government-run schools from telling students that America's Declaration
of Independence really is true.
Q. What country are you in?
Answer "e" is not incorrect. It is "unconstitutional" for public school teachers in the U.S.A. to teach students that the Declaration of Independence really is true. Students can be taught that a bunch of dead white males used to believe that it was true, but today we're so much more sophisticated than they were, and students must not be taught that what the Declaration of Independence says really is true regardless of what anyone else thinks about it. This is why
You Are a Victim of Educational MalpracticeI would like to be your instructor in a year-long online course that will result in the greatest personal transformation you have experienced in any course or any year of your life. The Course is called GeorgeWashingtonCoaching
Click here to listen to an audio tour of this website. I would like to be your instructor and your coach in a year-long Internet Home Study Program called "GeorgeWashingtonCoaching." It's a college-level course with an iron-clad money-back guarantee. I guarantee that if you complete the assignments in this course, you will be transformed into: an Extraordinary American Notice carefully a key word in this guarantee: I guarantee that if you complete the assignments in this course, you will be transformed into: an Extraordinary American When I say "transformed," I mean you will become something you are not already. My first step is to prove that you are
If you carefully consider the evidence on this webpage, you will come to agree that everyone who signed the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution would agree that you are NOT these three things. Then you will concur that these same extraordinary Americans would demand that you enroll in GeorgeWashingtonCoachingEven if you don't complete the course, you can still get your enrollment fee refunded. There's absolutely no risk on your part. The course requires more commitment than you're used to. This webpage will get you prepared for the huge investment of daily discipline it will take to un-do the brainwashing you received in the government's "public" schools. Here's the start of your transformation. You must come to admit that You Are a Victim of Educational MalpracticeIf you want to be a real American, you need to enroll in this course and complete the assignments. And you may need a personal coach to help you complete it successfully. That's why we're here. |
5 Things to Know
Thing #1:The Threefold Challenge of Samuel Adams - read the original letter.
Thing #2:
Thing #3:Three Huge Mistakes America's Founders Made and why you must avoid them (We Don't Worship the Founding Fathers)
Thing #4:The Three Most Hated Words in Politics Today and why you must embrace them |
Thing #5:The Three Things You Need to Become Extraordinary
What you need: [1] Content/Curriculum
What you need: [2] Coach
What you need: [3] Community
Thing #1
If he were alive today, Samuel Adams would want you to become an Extraordinary American These were the three goals he set before the colonists in 1772 when he circulated his first letter through a network of communication known as "the Committees of Correspondence." A few years later he would sign the Declaration of Independence. Most Americans already think they are exceptional, if not extraordinary. In international academic competitions, Americans score 27th in math, but first in self-esteem, meaning that Americans think they are the greatest, even though they are not. I won't be able to persuade you to enroll in GeorgeWashingtonCoaching unless I can get you to see yourself more objectively. If Samuel Adams were here to day, and could observe you, your government, your culture, and your reaction to the world around you, Samuel Adams would be forced to conclude that you
What is a "REAL" American?A real American believes that the Declaration of Independence is really true. There are people living within our borders who do not. They may be hard-working, they may love their families, they may be nice neighbors, and they may never break "the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God." But they are here on a temporary work visa, sending money back home. But even though you couldn't pick them out of a crowd of Americans, they are not Americans. They were born in another country and plan to return there someday. Imagine someone who was born here. Call him "Jones." Jones is a U.S. citizen by birth. Jones thinks all immigrants like the one in the previous paragraph should all be killed. He thinks the government should run all businesses, and take money from hard-working people like the one in the previous paragraph and redistribute the money to Jones. Like Hitler, Jones thinks the government should shut down all synagogues and Christian churches. In my opinion, Jones is not a real American. A real American believes in "Liberty Under God." A real American will also risk something to protect "Liberty Under God." We have not just a right, but a duty to abolish any government that becomes destructive of our right to life, liberty and property -- in other words, a government that will not allow us to live in peace. If you believe the government has a right to kill us, enslave us, and confiscate our property, then you are a communist, not an American. And if you believe that the government has the right to kill, enslave, and steal from foreigners, then you are not a good Christian. Most people living in the United States today are lousy Americans and are not Christians. True Americans rejected an Empire which sent Red Coats to impose colonial rule. True Christians reject the Empire which sends predator drones to Afghanistan.
You are not a Real American Nobody who signed the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution would consider YOU to be a real American -- unless the mainstream calls you an "extremist." But you will be an "extremist" when you finish this program. Men like Sam Adams and John Hancock were "extremists." They tossed tea into the Boston Harbor and called their government a "tyranny." You, on the other hand, are a zombie. You work your boring 9-5 job like a worker-drone. You say nothing when the government takes your paycheck for a Wall Street "bailout." You say nothing when your government kills more children in Iraq than it did people in Hiroshima. The tax on tea, the "Stamp Act" taxes, and all other taxes combined added up to only 1% or 2% of the colonists' income. The tax burden today is 20-50 times greater than it was under George III in 1776. The Pentagon consumes a trillion dollars a year. This is theft. You pay your taxes because you do not want to be locked up in prison with a psychopath. You don't want to imagine the violence you will experience if you don't pay up. A real American believes in "the American Dream." What is "the American Dream?" Most people in the U.S.A. believe the American Dream is "owning" a home with a fixed-rate, low-interest mortgage. Everyone who signed the Declaration of Independence would say that paying a quarter of a million dollars in interest over 30 years on a $100,000 home is a nightmare, not a dream. George Washington described the American Dream as living safely under your own "vine and fig tree." Where did Washington get that phrase? The Bible. Find out more about the "Vine & Fig Tree" vision. A Real American is a Christian On May 2, 1778, when the Continental Army had emerged from its infamous winter at Valley Forge, Commander-in-Chief George Washington issued the following: On May 12, 1779, in a speech to the Delaware Indian Chiefs, Washington coached them:
John Witherspoon was undoubtedly one of the most influential educators of his day. His students at Princeton University included one President, one Vice President, three Supreme Court Justices, 10 Cabinet members, 12 Governors, 60 Congressmen (21 Senators; 39 Representatives) plus scores of state officials and members of the Constitutional Convention. Witherspoon said
Most Americans today are enemies of America. That is, enemies of the ideal that America's Founding Fathers fought for: Liberty Under God. The "Vine & Fig Tree" society. To be a great American, America's Founders said, you have to be a Christian. But You are NOT A Real Christian Jesus Christ said it's better to be dogmatic and wrong than it is to be apathetic and air-headed. It's better to be a Nazi or a Communist than to be a "moderate."
Americans are air-heads. They are more concerned with
being accepted by the mainstream and the majority than they are
pursuing the truth. The majority of Americans think of themselves as
being independent "non-conformists"
in some sense, and everyone conforms
to this illusion together. |
You know less about American "arts
and ways of life, and above all, the
religion of Jesus Christ" than
the Delaware Indians did. You know less about Christianity than the
average 10-year old in colonial America.
Samuel Adams would say you are a victim of educational malpractice, being a product of an education system which is prohibited from teaching students that the Declaration of Independence is really true. George Washington would say you need to be re-educated, de-programmed, and connected in an online community with others who wish to become extraordinary Americans. |
Thing #2
Thing #3
Mistake Number One: "Rights"
Abolishing tyranny is a good idea. But not with muskets and cannons. Killing a human being created in the Image of God just because that human being is an IRS agent and wants to take your money -- this is not a Christian thing to do. Nothing could be clearer from the teachings of Jesus and the Apostles than that we must not take up arms to overthrow Caesar. Understanding these commandments will require you to make a complete turn-around in your thinking.
And you'll see why, and you'll have an alternative, after you read two of the five great works that we cover in the GeorgeWashingtonCoaching program.
One of the rallying cries in the American Revolution was "No Taxation without Representation." "Representation" in our day means those who pay no taxes can elect politicians to tax the rich and give to those who aren't. The tax on tea that gave rise to the Boston Tea Party was only 3 pence per pound of tea. We pay TEN TIMES MORE than that on every gallon of gas. The overall tax rate in 1776 was 2% or 3% max. If you pay one dime in federal income tax, the government is taking over 60% of everything you earn. Personally, I would rather have colonial tax rates without representation than "representation" and TRILLIONS of dollars of government theft and waste. What gives Smith the right to elect a "representative" to steal from Jones? Despite his yearnings, Washington came out of retirement to preside over the Constitutional Convention and become President of the United States of America. Was this a mistake? Would Washington have been a greater American if he hadn't? Did America really need a President? Did Israel really need a king?
At first, Samuel Adams was an opponent of the Constitution of 1787. Eventually Adams agreed to support it. Patrick Henry never did. Patrick Henry was right. So was George Mason. So were other noted
Anti-Federalists: One can also argue that Thomas Jefferson expressed several anti-federalist thoughts throughout his life, but that his involvement in the discussion was limited, since he was stationed as Ambassador to France while the debate over federalism was going on in America in the Federalist papers and Anti-Federalist Papers. The Constitution, with its "separation of powers," "checks and balances," and theory of "enumerated powers," failed to prevent the rise of an atheistic tyranny. Madison, Hamilton, and John Jay sold America on a Constitution which they claimed would prevent the rise of another tyranny. They were wrong. As great as the Constitution was, it could not prevent a tyranny worse than the one America abolished in a war from 1775-1783.Every single person who signed the Declaration of Independence and/or the Constitution would take immediate steps to begin abolishing our present government if they were here in 2012. And because America's Founding Fathers were excellent students of history, if they could see the history of the world from 1789 to 2012, they would become the most radical of libertarians. They gave us what they called "an Experiment in Liberty," and America became the most prosperous and admired nation in history. Washington D.C. abandoned that experiment in the 20th century, embarking on an experiment in government central planning. Everywhere this experiment was tried -- Germany, Italy, the Soviet Union -- it left poverty and mass death. Sam Adams would see that we need to abolish the current tyranny, and replace it with nothing but "the Invisible Hand" of 100% unregulated, Laissez-faire capitalism. You're thinking: "Those greedy capitalists will exploit the poor!"As if greedy politicians don't. But your moral concerns are valid. That's why George Washington, Samuel Adams and nearly all of America's Founding Fathers believed American education had to be centered on "religion, morality and knowledge.". From a Christian perspective, two things characterize pure religion. They can be summed up in the words of the Apostle James: Pure religion and
undefiled This is why voluntary charities were everywhere in early America, and why welfare has now been nationalized by the State. "Trust No One"How do libertarians respond to the accusation that they do not have enough trust in government? John Adams wrote in 1772:
Should libertarians have more confidence in their government? Thomas Jefferson, 1799:
James Madison warned the people of Virginia (1799):
Madison added in Federalist No. 55, [T]here is a degree of depravity in mankind which requires a certain degree of circumspection and distrust. . . . Trusting government, having "confidence in government," is un-American. The British historian Lord Acton put it this way:
The exercise of political power is problematic. We should assume that "great men" -- that is, powerful men -- men who wield the force of "the government" -- are morally corrupt. This assumption should be considered confirmed if he increases his own power during his time of "public service." Why
a Bill of Rights? | Walter Williams "Good intentions will always be pleaded for any assumption of power. The Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions. There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters ... but they mean to be masters." But if the Constitution of 1787 was a failure, could any constitution succeed? No. And this leads us to a very radical conclusion. Or perhaps I should say, to a very hated conclusion. In fact, the three huge mistakes we've been discussing lead us to the three most hated words in today's political lexicon. |
Thing #4
Most Hated Word #1 - THEOCRACY!Literally, "God rules." The First Huge Mistake made by America's Founding Fathers was the concept of "rights." We saw that the proper approach was to ground life, liberty and property (or the "pursuit of happiness") in our social duties not to kill, steal, kidnap, bear false witness, etc. Why is it I have a duty not to kill you? Where does this duty come from? There are many theories in the universities, but none stand up to examination or can be lived out consistently in practice. The best protection for "human rights" is a strong sense of duty to God. America's Founding Fathers were unanimous in the conviction that a nation cannot remain free if it ignores its duties toward God. These duties are spelled out in the Declaration of Independence: "The Laws of Nature and of Nature's God." That linked webpage shows pretty conclusively that America's Founders understood that phrase to refer to the Bible. We want our nation to be "under God," not a government that thinks it is God. America used to be a nation "under God." That's why America has always been a Christian Theocracy. Everybody at the ACLU and every anti-theocracy action group on the Left agrees that New England was Theocratic from the early 1600's and for a few generations thereafter. If you try to get the Shorter Catechism taught in public schools, someone will accuse you of trying to "impose a theocracy," even though the Catechism was in every classroom in every colony in America in 1776. Before the Declaration of Independence was signed, every one of the 13 colonies was a Christian Theocracy. Did the Declaration of Independence change this? Did the Declaration secularize America? Of course not. If you try to get the Declaration of Independence taught as truth in public secular schools today, you will be accused of "trying to impose a theocracy." The Declaration of Independence from Britain is also a Declaration of Dependence on God. A "theocracy" is where God rules. George Washington described God as "the ruler of nations." Notably, nations that are called "Christian Nations." England was one of those "Christian nations." So was America. The Constitution did not secularize the 13 Theocracies. They wouldn't have ratified the Constitution if they had known or suspected that it would do to America what has been done to America in the name of the Constitution. Nobody treated the Constitution as a document that secularized the 13 Theocracies. Read about their actions here. See the links in the box at right. America was a Christian Theocracy from 1600 to 1800 and beyond. In 1892 the Supreme Court of the United States still declared that America was a Christian nation. A Christian Theocracy is not the same thing as a Muslim Theocracy. A Theocracy led by the Prince of Peace is different from a theocracy led by a god of war. A Christian Theocracy is a "Vine & Fig Tree" society where Christ is King in heaven. No state-church. No church-state. No state-priests. No church-police. We're going to read about this during the next 365 days. Details here. On the day after the Constitution went into effect in March of 1789, America and each one of the 13 united States was a Christian Theocracy. As a militant non-violent Peacemaker, you are going to join other extraordinary Americans in undertaking the task of abolishing the U.S. government and making America a Christian Theocracy again. America's Founders agreed that our nation must be "under God" -- the true God, not Osama bin Ladin's God -- and thus a Christian Theocracy, governed by the true religion. From a Christian perspective, two things characterize pure religion. They can be summed up in the words of the Apostle James: Pure religion and
undefiled before God and the Father is this, This is why voluntary charities were everywhere in early America, and why welfare has now been nationalized by the State.
Most Hated Word #2: PacifismThe Second Huge Mistake made by the Founders was to take up arms against the Empire in a violent revolution. If you're not allowed to resist an Empire, you're not allowed to resist lesser enemies. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus commanded, "Resist not evil." He also said "Blessed are the Peacemakers." Pacifism is clearly at the heart of being a Christian Peacemaker. Pacifism is a critical issue in our day. "Pacifists" are often criticized for being willing to stand by and do nothing while their wife or daughter is raped. This is slanderous, a violation of the Ninth Commandment. Pacifists continually meet objections like those of Samuel Bacchiocchi, who said:
This is a "straw man." Such critics cannot name a single pacifist who would do nothing to try to prevent or stop a rape. I've never met a pacifist (and I've met hundreds and lived with several) who would say to a rapist, "Here she is. Go for it. And peace to you." A pacifist believes in the existence of evil, and believes violence is evil. A pacifist opposes violence because violence is evil, and a pacifist wants to eliminate or prevent evil. A pacifist would take prudent steps to stop evil, avoid evil, catch evil off guard, and evangelize evil, but would not -- as many non-pacifists seem to advocate -- start out immediately with lethal force. Many 2nd Amendment zealots would pull out their gun at the drop of the hat. At least that's the way they talk. Probably they are a bit more rational. Like Bacchiocchi. Here's a simple question that will prove you are a pacifist. Imagine you are "Star Trek" Captain Kirk of the U.S.S. Enterprise. You are walking down the street of a planet in the Deltoid Galaxy with one of your never-ending stream of beautiful women at your arm, when a large burly alien with the tattoo "I AM A RAPIST" across his forehead jumps out from a dark alley, grabs your female companion and says "I'm going to rape this woman!" You pull out your Phazer gun and . . . here's the question:
When given such a choice, only a sociopath would choose annihilation or lethal force. Everyone else is a "pacifist." It's that simple. What happens if you're consistent with this innate, conscientious pacifism? Answer: you will begin to change the world. In many ways the most violent world in recorded history. Christ is the Prince of Peace. His vassal-subjects must be committed to Peace. The Prince of Peace commanded us to love our enemies. True Christians are willing to follow Christ to the cross (Matthew 16:25; 1 Peter 2:21). But the religion of Secular Humanism (America's State religion) teaches vengeance. Modern Man believes it's better to make someone else die for you than to give your life for another. Entire populations are organized on the principle of institutionalized vengeance. Most people don't want to be called a "pacifist," but more and more people are adopting a social philosophy which is very close: the "Non-Aggression Principle" or "Zero-Aggression Principle." This principle is at the heart of modern defenses of capitalism. "Capitalism" means many things to many people, especially those who oppose it. Most mainstream voices, even "conservative" voices (e.g., Fox News) would not call themselves defenders of "capitalism," much less "laissez-faire capitalism." Most of those who openly call themselves defenders of "capitalism" rely on the Non-Aggression Principle. The most consistent adherents of the Zero-Aggression Principle call themselves "anarcho-capitalists." More about both Capitalism and Anarchism below. |
Most Hated Word #3: Anarchism |
The Third Big Mistake made by America's Founders was to reinstate a government when they had just succeeded in abolishing the one they had. | |||||
This was the third huge mistake they made.
Or so they said.
An-archism = Opposition to Archism
Embrace Those Three Hated Words |
In order to become a Peacemaker you must be willing to
take the barbs of those who believe in war and conflict. You will be
called a "wimp!" You will be told you need to "stand up
for your rights!" Some people just throw out insults at you to
justify their refusal to listen, to forgive, to make sacrifices -- in
short, their refusal to follow the Prince
of Peace.
If they absolutely refuse to listen to reason, and simply want to insult you, you can only pray that God will soften their hearts so you can talk on another day. But if a person insults you as being "unrealistic," "impractical," or "utopian," and still seems willing to talk to you and listen to your peacemaking advice, you need to be prepared to overcome their objections. The GeorgeWashingtonCoaching Program will equip you. But you yourself may have to open your mind to ideas you've been trained to despise. As Americans -- as products of violent revolution, arms exporting, and consumer selfishness -- we have been trained to shut-off and turn-off ideas which conflict with national ideology. Here are the three issues which you must wrestle with in order to be a Peacemaker.
Thing #5
The Importance of Ideas
These same ideas can have consequences in your life. The GeorgeWashingtonCoaching ProgramHere's a description of our program, along with our continuing attempt to persuade you to sign up. GeorgeWashingtonCoaching
is a distance-learning program that helps you learn these ideas and
develop the skills to put them into effect and promote them in our
society. |
The GeorgeWashingtonCoaching Program gives participants:
The goal of our program is not to dump a bunch of intellectual content into someones brain so they can then spew it back out to others and sound really smart. Our aim is to see people transformed from the inside out, to so inculcate them in biblical truth, and in how and why those truths matter in our personal lives and in our public institutions, that it seeps into their mind, heart, and soul and transforms the way they think, feel, and behave. This is the only foundation upon which effective peacemaking can occur. The program centers around the daily reading of the five most important works in the history of America and Western Civilization. |
Pretty dismal story, isn't it? Sure, God sent His Son, who died on the cross, so that some of the players can be forgiven for their rebellion and go home with God, but God's original purposes for man and the creation were thwarted by Satan, the ultimate victor. The Bible doesn't teach this. The Bible says our purpose as human beings is to turn a fallen wilderness into a Garden-City. The New Jerusalem is the "Vine & Fig Tree" society. Hundreds of years before Christ, the prophet Daniel spoke of the first Christmas, the birth of the Messiah in the days of the Roman Empire. That barbaric, debauched empire was destroyed, and the Kingdom of Christ began growing like a mustard tree, like leaven, like a field (Matthew 13). The Emperor Justinian began Christianizing the Eastern Roman Empire, and in the West kings like Alfred and Ethelbert made the 10 Commandments the basis of new legal systems. The "Common Law" began, with a Christian foundation, and eventually found its way into the Constitution of the United States, "a Christian nation." Though there have been ups and downs, the progress of Christianity has been undeniable -- at least to those who have been taught the facts of history. Most Americans in the 21st century have not. If you enroll in the GeorgeWashingtonCoaching Program, you will learn the story of the "Vine & Fig Tree." You will learn that the Bible says the purpose of the first Christmas was that "the knowledge of the Lord should cover the earth as the waters cover the sea." (Isaiah 11:9; Habakkuk 2:14). This has been going on for 2,000 years now. This is a wonderful story that isn't being told. Some people sincerely believe that the Bible says that everything is going to get worse and worse until God finally destroys everything and then starts over. (Why He would want to go through failure again is not disclosed.) You will read a different story in the Bible when you enroll in the GeorgeWashingtonCoaching Program, and have a coach pointing out things in the Bible that you may have missed. Perhaps you're reluctant to pay your tuition for a class that teaches something very different from what you've always heard. So we'll give you the entire year-long curriculum. We want to make it clear that simply reading the class outline in a week, or even a month, will not give you the same result as you will have if you enroll in the GeorgeWashingtonCoaching Program and study a little bit each day, think about it, study more the next day, pray about it, and take an entire year to complete your reading of the Vine & Fig Tree story. It just won't be the same. But you wouldn't be a good shopper if you bought a product without knowing what it delivered. So if you're doubtful about our agenda, here are two ways to survey the story of the Bible that you'll learn in the year-long GeorgeWashingtonCoaching Program. The first way is a 12-day study entitled "The 12 Days of Liberty." It's modeled after the "12 Days of Christmas, which take place from December 25 to January 6. You've never heard the Christmas message like this:
This study is obviously not a review of the entire Bible, though many other parts of the Bible are reviewed besides the Christmas narratives in the Gospels. Here, then, is a review of the entire Bible. Again, it is no substitute for the Berean model of searching the Scriptures daily. And reading them all in an afternoon is not the same as reading one a day and thinking about it prayerfully over a period of time. But just so you can see an example of the worldview of the GeorgeWashingtonCoaching Program, here are 95 Bible Studies, patterned loosely after Martin Luther's "95 Theses," somewhat-humorously called The 95 Days of Christmas:
You need to go through the entire year-long program to appreciate these studies. You do yourself a disservice if you try to judge any one of the studies without studying the entire series. Real change will take place when you work through the entire Bible systematically, daily, prayerfully, thoughtfully, over the course of a year. The change in your thinking -- the change in your worldview -- will not come about because we forced you or tricked you. You will experience those "Aha!' moments when the lightbulb goes on and you're never able to look at the Bible the same way again. The significance of most of these studies will become clearer after you become acquainted with the four other works that we'll be covering in the GeorgeWashingtonCoaching Program. |
Read through the
Bible in one year
with a mentor who can help you see
that Peace
is Possible
Myth: The Old Testament advocates war, slavery, genocide, and vengeful retaliation. |
Myth: The Teachings of Jesus are impractical, utopian, unrealistic, and should be relegated to the inner religious meditations of a Mother Theresa, but should be kept away from public policy, especially foreign affairs and military strategy. |
Both sides of this coin are
wrong. |
Jesus quoted the Old Testament. The prophets spoke of a day when we would beat our swords into plowshares and everyone would dwell securely under his own Vine & Fig Tree -- not because his property was being taken from him to fund the "military-industrial complex," which "keeps us all safe," but because nobody was training for war any more. | If we were to follow the teachings of Jesus in Washington D.C., we would experience security, peace, and economic prosperity. No war that the U.S. federal government has waged has ever made things better than they would have been without military intervention. |
Conclusion: |
We should take both the Old Testament and the New Testament seriously. |
Thomas Jefferson, despite his criticisms of clergy and ecclesiastical corruption, would want to be remembered as one who lived and encouraged a life of virtue and morality. He would not take credit for the army of people who champion "separation of church and state" as a cloak for selfish immorality and a lack of virtue.
Speaking of "the widespread denunciation of him by his political opponents as an anti-Christian infidel or atheist," Foote observes,
America's Founders were agreed that religion and morality were an essential part of a public school education. This is because good character, which is the embodiment of religion and morality, was essential to liberty and a free Republic. If everyone thinks he is his own god, and can steal, enslave, or kill anyone who stands in his way, you cannot have ordered liberty. People of bad character will clamor for a strong government to take vengeance against other people of bad character. Soon you have totalitarianism and lawlessness. Read the Founders on the connection between morality and liberty here. Continue to Westminster Standards
This comprised a Confession of Faith, a Larger Catechism and a Smaller Catechism. The Smaller Catechism was for children. The Larger Catechism for teens. Both exceed the depth of most seminary graduates in the 21st century. At a time when the total population of America was only four million people, it is estimated that some five million copies of the "Westminster Shorter Catechism" were available in the colonies. Historian Richard Gardiner writes:
It takes approximately 11 minutes per day to read through the Bible from cover to cover. It only takes a couple of minutes a day to read through the Westminster Catechisms and Confession in a year. They were written around 1645 and the drafters unequivocally opposed our brand of political libertarianism. But they believed that God is God, and denied that the State is God, a necessary first step on your road to becoming an extraordinary American, an extraordinary Christian, and an extraordinary human being..
Over the course of 365 days, you'll begin internalizing Christianity as a worldview. You will begin applying Christian principles to every area of your life. Christianity will no longer be a private belief for you, but a public matter. You will become your own "City upon a Hill." Abraham Kuyper (1837-1920), the Prime Minister of the Netherlands, delivered a series of lectures at the Princeton Theological Seminary in 1898 under the auspices of the L. P. Stone Foundation. Kuyper explained how the Christian faith as set forth in the Westminster Standards related to Religion, Politics, Science, and the Arts. Kuyper said,
If Christianity is relegated to Sunday school, then Monday through Friday we can deny justice, infringe on liberty, and destroy the life, liberty and property of others. It is because the Westminster Standard viewed life as a whole, all of it under the jurisdiction of God and His Laws and morality, that America became prosperous and admired. Americans Christianized business, science, the arts, and every area of life. This made America a great place to live.
It was Calvinism that shaped America. |
That word is That's right. Theocracy. This is
In the 18th century, America's
Founders gave us what they called "an
Experiment in Liberty," and in the 19th century America
became the most prosperous and admired nation in history. Washington
D.C. abandoned that experiment in the 20th century, embarking on an
experiment in government central planning. Everywhere
this experiment was tried -- German, Italy, the Soviet Union -- it left
poverty and mass death.
George Washington would see that we need to abolish the current tyranny, and replace it with nothing but "the Invisible Hand" of 100% unregulated, Laissez-faire capitalism. You're thinking: "Those greedy capitalists will exploit the poor!" As if greedy politicians don't. But your moral concerns are valid. That's why George Washington and America's Founding Fathers believed America had to be a Christian Theocracy. |
Americans have been trained to react in horror to the word
"Theocracy." This is an especially devious trick by atheists.
A nation "under
God" is a Theocracy, because a nation "under God" is
a nation that acknowledges that God rules, and "God
Rules" is the literal meaning of "Theocracy." Since we've
all been brainwashed to repel any move toward "Theocracy," we
say nothing when public schools cannot teach children that we are a
nation "under God." That might constitute "imposing a
Theocracy." Can't have that!
America became the most prosperous and admired nation in history because it was a nation "under God." In short, America was a Christian Theocracy. Today the word "theocracy" conjures up images of Islamic terrorists and mullahs. People think of "theocracy" as a police state governed by priests. This is inaccurate. The word "theocracy" comes from two Greek words, theos, meaning "God," and a Greek word meaning "rule." A theocracy where God rules is a nation "under God." America has always been known as "one nation under God," and therefore America has always been a Christian Theocracy. But there are good theocracies and there are bad ones. A nation can be attempting to be a Christian Theocracy and do a very poor job of it. We do not believe that a good Christian Theocracy is a police state. We believe a good Christian Theocracy is one where all the priests and princes have resigned and gotten real jobs where they serve others. Everything that the ACLU opposes when it speaks of "imposing a theocracy" was done by Washington and the Founding Fathers. |
Congress was sitting
in New York on April 30, 1789, when Washington took the oath of office
as Chief Executive. During
his inauguration, Washington took the oath as prescribed by the
Constitution but added several religious components to that official
ceremony. Before taking his oath of office, he summoned a Bible on which
to take the oath, added the words "So help me God!" to the end
of the oath, then leaned over and kissed the Bible. [27]
His "Inaugural Address" was filled with numerous religious
references, [28]
and following that address, he and the Congress "proceeded to St.
Paul's Chapel, where Divine service was performed." [29]
Only weeks later, Washington signed his first major federal bill [30] - the Northwest Ordinance, drafted concurrently with the creation of the First Amendment. [31] That act stipulated that for a territory to become a State, the "schools and the means of education" in that territory must encourage the "religion, morality, and knowledge" that was "necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind." [32] Conforming to this requirement, numerous subsequent State constitutions included that clause, [33] and it still appears in State constitutions today. [34] Furthermore, that law is listed in the current federal code, along with the Constitution, the Declaration, and the Articles of Confederation, as one of America's four "organic" or foundational laws. [35] Washington would be appalled that today's Supreme Court says it is "unconstitutional" for children in public schools to be taught that Christianity is "necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind." Every single person who signed the Constitution believed that it was, and intended for government to endorse that idea. In his Inaugural Address, Washington, speaking publicly and officially as the new President of the United States, said:
President Washington could not have said these things to children in a public school classroom in 2012. (And not just because American public school students are generally illiterate and wouldn't understand half of what colonial teenagers would have understood.) |
On the day after the Constitution went into
effect in March of 1789, America as a whole and each one of the 13
united States was a Christian
A Christian Theocracy seeks to give God all the glory. It's hard to see that God rules today when the State claims to be the Messiah. Americans today have been misled by the myth of "the Separation of Church and State." This mythical idea -- not found anywhere in the Constitution -- has come to mean the separation of God and State, with God being separated into the private world of fantasy and imagination, and the State having omnipotent power in "the real world."
The great conflict in Western Civilization today is whether our world will become
The third reading assignment will be the
history of Christian Theocracy and "Western
Civilization." Excerpts from these books are freely available on the
Internet. Only one of the authors agrees with our radical conclusions
(described below), but their arguments lead to our conclusions if
consistently held.
To begin this second story, George Washington would assign the reading of the Supreme Court's opinion in the 1892 Decision Holy Trinity Church vs. The United States and all the historic legal documents cited by the Court. |
The fourth book
Everybody talks about "smaller government."
Everybody agrees that some government needs to be cut. How much? When
and where do we stop cutting?
In 1776, America's Founding Fathers proposed a form of government which scandalized many. A government with NO KING. It was unprecedented. How can a nation preserve social order -- how can a government govern -- with no king? It would be like a headless horseman! It got worse. America's government would be a government characterized by "the Consent of the Governed." This turned the entire concept of "government" on its head. When the king has a "divine right" to govern his subjects, the subjects have no right to disagree with the king. Every decree of the king is assumed to be valid, even if the subjects don't like it. But in America, every action of the government would be presumed to be INVALID unless the governed consented to the government's act. We The People would govern ourselves. And -- We the People would govern the government. We the People would tell the government how to govern! Breathtaking. It rocked the world. Only a Theocracy -- a people "under God" -- can be trusted with self-government -- capitalism and a Free Market. And if religion and morality hold sway in a nation, then we can safely criticize America's Founding Fathers for replacing one government with another. They themselves taught us not to trust civil governments for social order, but to trust in religion and morality. If you're having second thoughts about enrolling in GeorgeWashingtonCoaching, read the quotes on that page. Take a glance at the linked pages on that page. After reading the Bible, the Westminster Standards, the history of Theocracy and Western Civilization, and Reisman's treatise on Capitalism, you will be ready for the next paradigm. It will be bigger than "consent of the governed." If you and I don't follow the lead of George Washington, the next generation will be engulfed in socialism and the darkness of "false religions" (to use the words of James Madison, the "Father of the Constitution").
The Final Book
Is Peace on Earth possible? If you think so, many people will call you an "unrealistic" "utopian." They will say you're just not taking into consideration "the depravity of man." For many people, "realism" = pessimism. And for 100 million evangelical Americans, God has predestined life to get worse and worse. Wars will inevitably increase. Totalitarian military dictatorship and tribulation are inevitable. God's experiment of putting human beings on earth to cultivate the Garden and build a New Jerusalem will be complete failure. Jesus will end it all by coming again, in the cosmic equivalent of "If it's your football and you're losing the game, just take your football and go home." One of the most popular objections to undertaking the task of abolishing an atheistic dictatorship by working to persuade archists to repent (resign) is the belief that Christ is going to return "any day now," and "you don't polish brass on a sinking ship." Christians are soon going to be "raptured," many believe, so why work against the tyranny of "The New World Order" or invest energy in a defense of "Liberty Under God?" This entire theological edifice, and the millions of people believing it, did not exist in 1776. No theologian was preaching "the Rapture" in 1776. America's Founders felt comfortable proclaiming their creation of a "Novus Ordo Seclorum," a New Order to last for Ages. According to the U.S. Dept. of Treasury, the motto on the Great Seal "signifies a new American era" that "will always grow, improve and build." This optimism has virtually disappeared in the 21st century. The final book assigned for reading in our GeorgeWashingtonCoaching Program will be a book that refutes modern "pessimillennialism" and restores optimism and confidence in God's ability to achieve His goals. This book will give us courage to be Peacemakers. This book will become one of the most important books in Western Civilization because it will prevent the plunge into pessimism and nihilism that threatens to bring down Western Civilization itself. We are searching diligently for this book. In the meantime, We are going to assign the reading of an 1876 book entitled The Parousia: "Parousia" is the Greek word used for "second coming." This book is simply a catalog of all New Testament prophecies concerning "the second coming." The result of looking at all the evidence will be a "paradigm shift." We admit that this book is not yet one of the most important books in American history or the history of Western Civilization. What we believe is that the idea that Christians should not be a "city upon a hill," a "light unto the world," or "the salt of the earth," and should allow Satan to rule or destroy the world, is an idea that has already done much to undo everything George Washington and the Founding Fathers worked for, as well as all that Calvin and Augustine worked for. It is, in fact, turning over the City of God and the Kingdom of Christ to the city of man and the kingdom of Satan. In other words, one of the most important ideas in the history of Western Civilization is the refutation of the idea that Western Civilization --Christian Civilization -- is not worth perpetuating. |
The Daily ProgramThe Training ProgramTrack 1. Prayer.mp3 4:43
If all you did was read the above words, go back and rephrase them for yourself. "Lord, please do that for ME." Tracks 2-4 - 95 Theses - "Our Hidden Agenda"
Five Works - The Foundations of Western Civilization#1 The Bible - Tracks 5-8
The Bible is the most important book in the history of Western Civilization. It is also the book more people own but have never read. Yet these same people have dogmatic opinions about the nature of the Bible and what it says. Because you are a victim of educational malpractice, and lack a colonial American education, you may have erroneous pre-conceived ideas about the Bible that close your mind to the conclusions to which we are trying to lead you. You may doubt our credibility and reliability to the point where you will not be persuaded by anything we say about the Bible. Therefore we will require you to read four (4) other works which are widely regarded as being among the most important in the history of Western Civilization. Reading these four works, in addition to the Bible, will re-create a colonial American education in just one year. These four credible, reliable, and time-honored works will abundantly confirm our "anarchist" and "Theocratic" interpretation of the Bible and the human condition. We will show you how to download these works for free from the Internet. Success experts like Brian Tracy say you should read for an hour each day in your chosen field to be successful (that's more than a dozen books a year). George Washington read the Bible for an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening. Your "chosen field" was chosen for you by God: to be an extraordinary human being. If you can't read just four of the most important books in the history of Western Civilization next year, you'll never be a success in the human race. #2 Track 9. WestminsterStandards.mp3 1:12At a time when the total population of America was only four million people, it is estimated that some five million copies of the "Westminster Shorter Catechism" were available in the colonies. Historian Richard Gardiner writes:
Clearly, America was a Christian Theocracy, a nation "under God." Nobody in 2012 likes that word "Theocracy." (It means "God governs." It does not mean "priests govern." You can have a "Theocracy" with no priests or clergy whatsoever.) A nation "under God" is, by definition, a Theocracy. The "Vine & Fig Tree" society is a Christian Theocracy, where everyone believes that God says "Thou shalt not steal" and "Thou shalt not kill." When this happens, your life, liberty, and property are safe. It will take you 3 minutes to read the next few paragraphs, a survey of America's Theocratic history. In the 1600's, the Puritans created America as a "City Upon a Hill." Their first goal was to convert the natives to Christianity, and then transform the entire planet into a Christian Theocracy. The first Virginia Charter, 1606, issued by King James I, recited the purposes of the colony:
Every subsequent charter for every other colony had the same purpose: propagate the Christian religion.
In 1775, America consisted of 13 Christian Theocracies. This is an indisputable fact. The Declaration of Independence (1776) is a Theocratic document. It says things that cannot be said in nations which claim to be "secular." In our day the federal government makes it illegal for a school teacher in a government-run school to teach students that the Declaration of Independence really is true.
The Federal Government says that teachers in government-operated schools paid for by your property taxes cannot "endorse" or "promote" these ideas. Students can be taught that a long time ago some dead white guys wearing powdered wigs believed the Declaration of Independence was true, but teachers cannot say it really is objectively true (regardless of what anyone believes about it), and that students should stand up and risk their lives, their fortunes and the sacred honor in defense of those unchanging true principles. James Madison, "the Father of the Constitution," told his fellow Virginia legislators in 1785 that they should keep in mind the original purposes of Virginia, and vote against any proposed legislation if
When 13 Christian Theocracies ratified a new Constitution in 1789, not one of them believed they were ratifying a secular Constitution which empowered the federal government to impose atheism (the absence of true religion) on the 13 Christian Theocracies, including their schools and all public buildings. In 1844, the U.S. Supreme Court decided the case of Vidal v. Girard's Executors, 43 U.S. 127 (1844), which said that government-funded schools must teach "the Bible, and especially the New Testament" "as a divine revelation," and that a secular school "is not to be presumed to exist in a Christian country." In 1892, a still-conservative U.S. Supreme Court looked back on this case and the rest of American history and reminded a post-Darwinian America that she was still legally and officially a Christian nation. Most Americans are uncomfortable with America's Christian Theocratic past. They are relieved, therefore, when they learn that the U.S. Supreme Court threw out that 1892 case in the 20th century and swung to the opposite (secular) extreme. A government that will not admit it is "under God" is a government that believes it IS God. Whereas America was originally conceived as a Christian "City upon a Hill," to export Christianity around the world, the United States is now a secular "City upon a Hill," exporting atheism, weapons, pornography, and fascism around the world. It takes approximately 11 minutes per day to read through the Bible from cover to cover. It only takes a couple of minutes to read through the Westminster Catechisms and Confession. They were written around 1645 and the drafters unequivocally opposed "anarchism." But they believed that God is God, and denied that the State is God, a necessary first step on your road to becoming a "Vine & Fig Tree" anarchist. #3 Track 10. Capitalism.mp3 1:43 Liberty Under God
#4 Track 11. Theocracy.mp3 2:52 Liberty Under God
The third reading assignment will be the history of
Christian Theocracy and "Western
Civilization." Excerpts from these books are freely available on the
Internet. Only one of the authors agrees with our anarchist
conclusions, but their arguments lead to our conclusions if
consistently held. The Essential Requirement for
"Liberty Under God"
Track 12. Character.mp3 2:40In addition to reading the assigned portion of the
Bible, you must agree to spend a minimum of 90-180 seconds per day
meditating on Godly character traits, using guidelines we
specify, with the goal of developing these traits in your own life. A
partial list of required traits appears in the box on the right.
Meditating on these character traits will transform you into an
anarchist. No judgments will be made by us as to how successfully
you develop or practice these traits in your life. You simply agree to
allow us to brainwash you by listening to our audio meditations.
What does the GeorgeWashingtonCoaching Program cost? Click here. |
We offer a Money-Back
Guarantee. This is highly unusual among coaching programs.
If you do not consider yourself to be a Christian, or do not believe the Bible is reliable, we're willing to work with you too. We invite you to enroll, and we will offer ideas for your consideration such as this one: The Bible is Our Starting Point We try to keep our daily assignments strictly under 45 minutes a day, but we are thrilled to discuss all issues in greater depth through email, teleseminars, and coaching calls. This is not a debate club.